📜  django migrate fake zero - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:28.772000             🧑  作者: Mango

Django Migrate Fake Zero

Django Migrations are an essential part of Django's ORM. They are used to manage database schema changes and keep track of those changes over time. Django Migrations allows you to make changes to your database schema without losing any data, by creating and applying Migrations.

However, sometimes you may need to reset your database schema to a previous version for testing or debugging purposes. In such cases, migrating to a previous version can be time-consuming and unnecessary. To save time, Django provides a migrate fake option.

What is migrate fake zero?

migrate fake zero is a Django command that allows you to create and apply fake Migrations for your Django app. This command creates an initial fake migration for your app, equivalent to the zero migration, and applies it to your database.

The migrate fake zero command is not intended for use in production environments. It should only be used for testing and debugging purposes.

When to use migrate fake zero

The migrate fake zero command should only be used if you need to reset your database schema to the initial version, without losing any data. It creates a fake migration that simulates the initial migration of your app, so you don't have to execute any real migrations.

You can use this command in the following scenarios:

  • You have made some significant changes to your database schema, and you want to reset it to the initial version for testing or debugging purposes.
  • You have accidentally deleted your Migrations and want to recreate them.
How to use migrate fake zero

To use migrate fake zero, run the following command:

python manage.py migrate fake zero

This command creates a fake initial migration for your app and applies it to the database.


Suppose you have made some significant changes to your app's database schema, and you want to reset it to the initial version for testing purposes. Here's how you can use migrate fake zero:

python manage.py migrate fake zero

This creates a fake initial migration for your app, and applies it to the database.


In conclusion, migrate fake zero is an essential command that saves time when you need to reset your database schema to the initial version. It creates a fake initial migration for your app and applies it to the database. However, this command should only be used for testing and debugging purposes and not in production environments.