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📜  Python程序对学生记录中的数据进行排序和查找

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:56.354000             🧑  作者: Mango



  1. 根据学生的名字对名字进行排序。
  2. 在所有分数中找到最低分数
  3. 使用他/她的名字查找学生的联系电话。


方法:对于上述问题,我们应该使用一个字典,它要么将名称作为一个整体作为键,而将其他数据作为值,反之亦然。在这里,我将姓名作为键和联系电话,标记为与姓名关联的值。因此,首先用户需要输入学生的详细信息,这些详细信息将作为 {['first name', 'second name']:('contact number', 'marks')} 存储在字典中。然后我们根据函数要求创建一个新的元组列表来存储数据。在程序中创建了四个用户定义的函数:

  1. sort( )函数,根据名字对记录进行排序。
  2. minmarks( )函数从所有记录中找到最小标记。
  3. searchdetail()函数将名字作为输入并从相应的记录中获取学生联系电话。
  4. option()函数用于显示选项。


print("-----Program for Student Information-----")
D = dict()
n = int(input('How many student record you want to store?? '))
# Add student information
# to the dictionary
for i in range(0,n):
    x, y = input("Enter the complete name (First and last name) of student: ").split()
    z = input("Enter contact number: ")
    m = input('Enter Marks: ')
    D[x, y] = (z, m)
# define a function for shorting
# names based on first name
def sort():
    ls = list()
    # fetch key and value using
    # items() method
    for sname,details in D.items():
        # store key parts as an tuple
        tup = (sname[0],sname[1])
        # add tuple to the list
    # sort the final list of tuples
    ls = sorted(ls)   
    for i in ls:
        # print first name and second name
# define a function for
# finding the minimum marks
# in stored data
def minmarks():
    ls = list()
    # fetch key and value using
    # items() methods
    for sname,details in D.items():
        # add details second element
        # (marks) to the list
    # sort the list elemnts   
    ls = sorted(ls)   
    print("Minimum marks: ", min(ls))
# define a function for searching
# student contact number
def searchdetail(fname):
    ls = list()
    for sname,details in D.items():
    for i in ls:
        if i[0][0] == fname:
# define a function for
# asking the options
def option():
    choice = int(input('Enter the operation detail: \n \
    1: Sorting using first name \n \
    2: Finding Minimum marks \n \
    3: Search contact number using first name: \n \
    4: Exit\n \
    Option: '))
    if choice == 1:
        # function call
        print('Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: ')
        inp = input()
        if inp == 'Y':
        # exit function call   
    elif choice == 2:
        print('Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: ')
        inp = input()
        if inp == 'Y':
    elif choice == 3:
        first = input('Enter first name of student: ')
        print('Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: ')
        inp = input()
        if inp == 'Y':
        print('Thanks for executing me!!!!')


-----Program for Student Information-----
How many student record you want to store?? 3
Enter the complete name (First and last name) of student: shubham shukla
Enter contact number: 1234567890
Enter Marks: 85
Enter the complete name (First and last name) of student: rinki singh
Enter contact number: 0987654321
Enter Marks: 50
Enter the complete name (First and last name) of student: abhishek sharma
Enter contact number: 5432167890
Enter Marks: 65
Enter the operation detail: 
     1: Sorting using first name 
     2: Finding Minimum marks 
     3: Search contact number using first name: 
     4: Exit
     Option: 1
abhishek sharma
rinki singh
shubham shukla
Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: 
Enter the operation detail: 
     1: Sorting using first name 
     2: Finding Minimum marks 
     3: Search contact number using first name: 
     4: Exit
     Option: 2
Minimum marks:  50
Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: 
Enter the operation detail: 
     1: Sorting using first name 
     2: Finding Minimum marks 
     3: Search contact number using first name: 
     4: Exit
     Option: 3
Enter first name of student: rinki
Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: