📜  keras.fit() 和 keras.fit_generator()

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:13.228000             🧑  作者: Mango

keras.fit() 和 keras.fit_generator()

Python中的keras.fit() 和 keras.fit_generator()是两个独立的深度学习库,可用于训练我们的机器学习和深度学习模型。这两个函数都可以完成相同的任务,但何时使用哪个函数是主要问题。



fit(object, x = NULL, y = NULL, batch_size = NULL, epochs = 10,
  verbose = getOption("keras.fit_verbose", default = 1),
  callbacks = NULL, view_metrics = getOption("keras.view_metrics",
  default = "auto"), validation_split = 0, validation_data = NULL,
  shuffle = TRUE, class_weight = NULL, sample_weight = NULL,
  initial_epoch = 0, steps_per_epoch = NULL, validation_steps = NULL,


-> object : the model to train.      
-> X : our training data. Can be Vector, array or matrix      
-> Y : our training labels. Can be Vector, array or matrix       
-> Batch_size : it can take any integer value or NULL and by default, it will
be set to 32. It specifies no. of samples per gradient.      
-> Epochs : an integer and number of epochs we want to train our model for.      
-> Verbose : specifies verbosity mode(0 = silent, 1= progress bar, 2 = one
line per epoch).      
-> Shuffle : whether we want to shuffle our training data before each epoch.      
-> steps_per_epoch : it specifies the total number of steps taken before
one epoch has finished and started the next epoch. By default it values is set to NULL.

如何使用 Keras Fit:

model.fit(Xtrain, Ytrain, batch_size = 32, epochs = 100)

在这里,我们首先提供训练数据(Xtrain)和训练标签(Ytrain)。然后我们使用 Keras 让我们的模型在 32 的 batch_size 上训练 100 个 epoch。


  • 整个训练集可以装入计算机的随机存取存储器 (RAM)。
  • 调用模型。再次使用 fit 方法不会重新初始化我们已经训练过的权重,这意味着如果我们愿意,我们实际上可以连续调用 fit 然后正确管理它。
  • 无需使用 Keras 生成器(即无需数据论证)
  • 原始数据本身用于训练我们的网络,我们的原始数据只适合内存。



fit_generator(object, generator, steps_per_epoch, epochs = 1,
  verbose = getOption("keras.fit_verbose", default = 1),
  callbacks = NULL, view_metrics = getOption("keras.view_metrics",
  default = "auto"), validation_data = NULL, validation_steps = NULL,
  class_weight = NULL, max_queue_size = 10, workers = 1,
  initial_epoch = 0)


-> object : the Keras Object model.
-> generator : a generator whose output must be a list of the form:
                      - (inputs, targets)    
                      - (input, targets, sample_weights)
a single output of the generator makes a single batch and hence all arrays in the list 
must be having the length equal to the size of the batch. The generator is expected 
to loop over its data infinite no. of times, it should never return or exit.
-> steps_per_epoch : it specifies the total number of steps taken from the generator
 as soon as one epoch is finished and next epoch has started. We can calculate the value
of steps_per_epoch as the total number of samples in your dataset divided by the batch size.
-> Epochs : an integer and number of epochs we want to train our model for.
-> Verbose : specifies verbosity mode(0 = silent, 1= progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch).
-> callbacks : a list of callback functions applied during the training of our model.
-> validation_data can be either:
                      - an inputs and targets list
                      - a generator
                      - an inputs, targets, and sample_weights list which can be used to evaluate
                        the loss and metrics for any model after any epoch has ended.
-> validation_steps :only if the validation_data is a generator then only this argument
can be used. It specifies the total number of steps taken from the generator before it is 
stopped at every epoch and its value is calculated as the total number of validation data points
in your dataset divided by the validation batch size.

如何使用 Keras fit_generator:

# performing data argumentation by training image generator
dataAugmentaion = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range = 30, zoom_range = 0.20, 
fill_mode = "nearest", shear_range = 0.20, horizontal_flip = True, 
width_shift_range = 0.1, height_shift_range = 0.1)

# training the model
model.fit_generator(dataAugmentaion.flow(trainX, trainY, batch_size = 32),
 validation_data = (testX, testY), steps_per_epoch = len(trainX) // 32,
 epochs = 10)

在这里,我们正在训练我们的网络 10 个 epoch,默认批量大小为 32。

对于较小且不太复杂的数据集,建议使用 keras.fit函数,而在处理现实世界的数据集时,它并不是那么简单,因为现实世界的数据集规模很大,而且更难放入计算机内存中。

在这里,我们使用了 Keras ImageDataGenerator对象来应用数据增强来随机平移、调整大小、旋转等图像。我们的每一批新数据都会根据提供给ImageDataGenerator的参数进行随机调整。


  • Keras 首先调用生成器函数(dataAugmentaion)
  • 生成器函数(dataAugmentaion) 为我们的 .fit_generator()函数提供了 32 的 batch_size。
  • 我们的.fit_generator()函数首先接受一批数据集,然后对其执行反向传播,然后更新模型中的权重。
  • 对于指定的 epoch 数(在我们的例子中为 10),重复该过程。

概括 :
因此,我们了解了用于训练深度学习神经网络的 Keras.fit 和 Keras.fit_generator 函数之间的区别