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📜  用于单链表递归选择排序的Python程序 - 交换节点链接

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:09.848000             🧑  作者: Mango

用于单链表递归选择排序的Python程序 - 交换节点链接

给定一个包含n 个节点的单链表。问题是使用递归选择排序技术对列表进行排序。该方法应该涉及交换节点链接而不是交换节点数据。



Input: 10 -> 12 -> 8 -> 4 -> 6
Output: 4 -> 6 -> 8 -> 10 -> 12 


     if head->next == NULL
         return head
     Initialize min = head
     Initialize beforeMin = NULL
     Initialize ptr = head
     while ptr->next != NULL 
         if min->data > ptr->next->data
         min = ptr->next
         beforeMin = ptr
     ptr = ptr->next    
     if min != head
         swapNodes(&head, head, min, beforeMin)
     head->next = recurSelectionSort(head->next)
     return head

swapNodes(head_ref, currX, currY, prevY)
     head_ref = currY
     prevY->next = currX

     Initialize temp = currY->next
     currY->next = currX->next
     currX->next  = temp    

swapNodes(head_ref, currX, currY, prevY)基于此处讨论的方法,但已针对本文的实施进行了相应修改。

# Python implementation of recursive
# selection sort for singly linked
# list | Swapping node links
# Linked List node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.next = None
# Function to swap nodes 'currX' and
# 'currY' in a linked list without
# swapping data
def swapNodes(head_ref, currX,
              currY, prevY):
    # Make 'currY' as new head
    head_ref = currY
    # Adjust links
    prevY.next = currX
    # Swap next pointers
    temp = currY.next
    currY.next = currX.next
    currX.next = temp
    return head_ref
# Function to sort the linked list using
# recursive selection sort technique
def recurSelectionSort(head):
    # If there is only a single node
    if (head.next == None)8:
        return head
    # 'min' - pointer to store the node
    # having minimum data value
    min = head
    # 'beforeMin' - pointer to store node
    # previous to 'min' node
    beforeMin = None
    ptr = head
    # Traverse the list till the last node
    while (ptr.next != None):
        # if true, then update 'min' and
        # 'beforeMin'
        if (ptr.next.data < min.data) :
            min = ptr.next
            beforeMin = ptr
        ptr = ptr.next
    # if 'min' and 'head' are not same,
    # swap the head node with the 'min' node
    if (min != head):
        head = swapNodes(head, head,
                         min, beforeMin)
    # Recursively sort the remaining list
    head.next =
    return head
# Function to sort the given linked list
def sort(head_ref):
    # If list is empty
    if ((head_ref) == None):
        return None
    # Sort the list using recursive
    # selection sort technique
    head_ref = recurSelectionSort(head_ref)
    return head_ref
# Function to insert a node at the
# beginning of the linked list
def push(head_ref, new_data):
    # Allocate node
    new_node = Node(0)
    # Put in the data
    new_node.data = new_data
    # Link the old list to the
    # new node
    new_node.next = (head_ref)
    # Move the head to point to the
    # new node
    (head_ref) = new_node
    return head_ref
# Function to print the linked list
def printList(head):
    while (head != None):   
        print(head.data , end = " ")
        head = head.next
# Driver code
head = None
# Create linked list
head = push(head, 6)
head = push(head, 4)
head = push(head, 8)
head = push(head, 12)
head = push(head, 10)
print("Linked list before sorting:")
# sort the linked list
head = sort(head)
print("Linked list after sorting:")
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


Linked list before sorting:
10 12 8 4 6
Linked list after sorting:
4 6 8 10 12

时间复杂度: O(n 2 )

辅助空间: O(n)

请参阅关于单链表递归选择排序的完整文章 |交换节点链接以获取更多详细信息!