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📜  千里眼最短工作优先(SJF)

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:11.761000             🧑  作者: Mango


在本文中,我们将讨论千里眼 SJF。这是一个理论概念,其中算法着眼于未来并等待最短的进程到达,这导致平均等待时间最短。

Clairvoyant SJF 和 Shortest Job First 的区别:
这两种算法的工作原理相同,将 CPU 时间分配给较短的进程。不同之处在于,千里眼可以展望未来,等待最短的进程并相应地分配资源,而SJF必须将资源分配给已经到达的进程(即等待就绪队列)。


Process id    Arrival time    Burst time    
    p1            0             5        
    p2            1             2        
    p3            3             1        
    p4            4             3    

输出:根据 Clairvoyant SJF 的进程调度是,

Process id    Arrival time    Burst time    
    p3           3              1        
    p2           1              2        
    p4           4              3        
    p1           0              5    


Process id    Arrival time    Burst time    
    p1           0              5        
    p3           3              1        
    p2           1              2        
    p4           4              3    


如果所有进程同时到达,Clairvoyant SJF 和 SJF 将给出相同的结果。


Process id      Arrival time    Burst time      
    p1               0               4
    p2               0               9
    p3               0               5
    p4               0               3    

输出:根据 Clairvoyant SJF 的进程调度是,

Process id    Arrival time    Burst time    
    p4              0               3
    p1              0               4
    p3              0               5
    p2              0               9    


Process id    Arrival time    Burst time    
    p4              0               3
    p1              0               4
    p3              0               5
    p2              0               9    


代码 :

#define SIZE 4
using namespace std;
// Structure to store the information about the process
typedef struct proinfo {
    string pname; // Process name
    int atime; // Arrival time
    int btime; // Burst time
} proinfo;
// This function schedules the process 
// according to the Clairvoyant SJF scheduling algorithm.
void clairvoyantSjf(proinfo* arr)
    // To sort the processes according to the burst time
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE - 1; i++) {
        index = i;
        for (int j = i + 1; j < SIZE; j++) {
            if (arr[j].btime < arr[index].btime) {
                index = j;
        swap(arr[i], arr[index]);
void display(proinfo* arr)
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Process id"
         << "\t";
    cout << "Arrival time"
         << "\t";
    cout << "Burst time"
         << "\t";
    cout << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        cout << arr[i].pname << "\t\t";
        cout << arr[i].atime << "\t\t";
        cout << arr[i].btime << "\t\t";
        cout << endl;
// To calculate the average waiting time
void avgWait(proinfo* arr)
    int ctime = 0;
    int twait = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        twait += abs(arr[i].atime - ctime);
        ctime += arr[i].btime;
    cout << "The average waiting time is: " << (float)twait / SIZE << endl;
int main()
    // Array of process info structures.
    proinfo arr[SIZE];
    arr[0] = { "p1", 0, 5 };
    arr[1] = { "p2", 1, 2 };
    arr[2] = { "p3", 3, 1 };
    arr[3] = { "p4", 4, 3 };
    cout << "Process scheduling according to Clairvoyant SJF is: " << endl;
    // To display the schedule
    // to calculate the Average waiting time
Process scheduling according to Clairvoyant SJF is: 

Process id    Arrival time    Burst time    
p3        3        1        
p2        1        2        
p4        4        3        
p1        0        5        
The average waiting time is: 2.5