笔记 –
Shortest Job First (SJF) | Round-Robin (RR) |
Shortest Job First (SJF) executes the processes based upon their burst time i.e. in ascending order of their burst times. | Round-Robin (RR) executes the processes based upon the time quantum defined i.e. each process is executed for a fixed amount of time. |
SJF is also non-preemptive but its preemptive version is also there called Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) algorithm. | Round-Robin (RR) is preemptive in nature. |
The average waiting time for given set of processes is minimum. | The average waiting time for given set of processes is quite small and depends on the time quantum. |
The real difficulty with SJF is knowing the length of the next CPU request or burst. | It is quite easy to implement RR. |
A long process may never get executed and the system may keep executing the short processes. | Each process is executed and every user feels that his work is being done as the CPU gives equal amount of time to each process. |
In case of SJF, elapsed time should be recorded, results in more overhead on the processor. | In case of RR, if the time quantum is very small then context switch takes place again and again after very short intervals of time which leads to overhead. |