- 通过从正在执行的程序进行的测量收集的动态度量。
- 通过从系统表示(例如设计、程序或文档)进行的测量收集的静态度量。
S.No. | Software Metric | Description |
(1) | Fan-in/Fan-out | Fan-in is a measure of the number of functions that call some other function (say X). Fan-out is the number of functions which are called by function X. A high value for fan-in means that X is tightly coupled to the rest of the design and changes to X will have extensive knock-on effects. A high value for fan-out suggests that the overall complexity of the control logic needed to coordinate the called components. |
(2) | Length of code | This is measure of the size of a program. Generally, the large the size of the code of a program component, the more complex and error-prone that component is likely to be. |
(3) | Cyclomatic complexity | This is a measure of the control complexity of a program. This control complexity may be related to program understandability. |
(4) | Length of identifiers | This is a measure of the average length of distinct identifier in a program. The longer the identifiers, the more understandable the program. |
(5) | Depth of conditional nesting | This is a measure of the depth of nesting of if statements in aa program. Deeply nested if statements are hard to understand and are potentially error-prone. |
(6) | Fog index | This is a measure of the average length of words and sentences in documents. The higher the value for the Fog index, the more difficult the document may be to understand. |