- 取之不尽的自然资源——取之不尽的自然资源是指自然界中丰富的资源,即使大量使用也不会枯竭的资源。例如阳光、空气等。
- 可枯竭的自然资源——枯竭的自然资源是指自然界中数量有限,如果广泛使用就会枯竭的资源。例如森林、煤炭和石油等。可消耗资源可进一步分类为:-
- 可再生资源:即使连续利用也不会枯竭的资源称为可再生资源。可再生资源的例子有太阳能、风能和潮汐能。
- 不可再生资源:一旦耗尽不能立即更换的资源称为不可再生资源。不可再生资源的例子包括化石燃料,例如煤、石油和天然气,以及通常在陨石中发现的稀有矿物。
Natural Gas is very important fossil fuel because it is easy to transport through pipes. Natural gas is stored under high pressure as compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG is used for power generation. It consists mainly of methane (about 85%), ethane (about 10%) propane (about 3%), and butane.
它现在被用作运输车辆的燃料,因为它污染较少。它是一种更清洁的燃料。 CNG的最大优点是可以直接用于家庭和工厂的燃烧,可以通过管道供应。这样的管道网络存在于巴罗达(古吉拉特邦)、德里的一些地区和其他地方。天然气也被用作生产多种化学品和化肥的原料。印度拥有丰富的天然气储量。在我国,已在特里普拉、拉贾斯坦邦、马哈拉施特拉邦和克里希纳戈达瓦里三角洲发现了天然气。
(2) 衍生燃料:这些是在天然燃料的帮助下通过人工提取或制成的燃料。例如可乐、煤油和煤气。但是,我们将详细讨论煤炭和石油。
- 煤炭:超过 2.95 亿年前,全世界有茂密的森林和树木。但是,由于洪水、海啸等自然灾害,这些树木中的一些被埋入了地下。由于随着时间的推移分解,它们被转化为煤。由于高压和高温,煤像石头一样坚硬,呈全黑色。自古以来,煤炭就被用作烹饪食物、产生蒸汽来运行火车、工业用途、发电等的热源。
Important Byproducts of Coal are:
- Coke- It contains 98 % carbon. It is porous, tough, black and the purest form of coal. Like charcoal, it Is a good fuel and burns without smoke. It is largely employed as a reducing agent in the extraction of metals from their ores. It is also used in making fuel gases like water gas and producer gas.
- Coal Tar- Coal tar is a mixture of different carbon compounds. It thick, black liquid with an unpleasant smell. The fractional distillation of coal tar gives many chemical substances which are used in the preparation of dyes, explosives, paints, synthetics fibers, drugs, and pesticides. Some of these chemical substances are benzene, toluene, phenol, and aniline. Naphthalene balls used to repel moths and other insects are also obtained from coal tar.
- Coal gas- Coal gas is mainly a mixture of hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. The gases present in coal gas are combustible and hence, it is an excellent fuel. It has a high calorific value. It was used for lighting houses, factories, and streets in Mumbai until 1950. It was also used for cooling earlier.
- 石油:它是深褐色至绿色的粘性液体化石燃料。由于含硫化合物的存在,它具有强烈的恶臭。它通常被称为原油。一个国家的经济在很大程度上取决于石油财富,这就是石油被称为黑金的原因。它的名字来源于拉丁词Petra(意思是岩石)和石油(意思是石油)。因此,石油的字面意思是“岩石油”。
石油是几种碳氢化合物的混合物。它还含有水、盐和岩石材料。它不能以这种制成的形式用作燃料或生产其他有用成分的基本材料。在投入使用之前,它必须经过提纯或提炼。将石油的各种成分相互分离的过程称为石油精炼。这是通过称为分馏的过程完成的,该过程基于石油的不同成分具有明显不同的沸点这一事实。在分馏中,原油在熔炉中被加热到 40°C 或略高于 40°C 的温度。
- 石油产品用作燃料。
- 润滑油和凡士林用作润滑剂。
- 石蜡是石油产品,用于制造蜡烛、上光剂、蜡纸、防水材料等。
- 石油提纯后的一些副产品用于制备药物、药膏、面霜和化妆品。
问题 1:定义术语“石化产品”。
Petrochemicals are substances obtained from petroleum and natural gas. They are used in the manufacture of detergents, fibers, polythene, etc.
Allow standing the mixture of petroleum and water undisturbed for some time. The top layer will consist of petroleum which can be separated from water by decantation.
解决方案: Coal Coke It is an amorphous form of carbon. It is a noncrystalline form of carbon. It is obtained by heating soft coal in the absence or limited supply of air. It is obtained by the decay of vegetation which existed millions of years ago. 1. 2.
问题 4:解释为什么化石燃料是可枯竭的自然资源。
Fossil Fuels are nothing but different types of exhaustible natural resources which are together known as fossil fuels. Coal, petroleum, and other non-renewable natural resources are actually made from the dead remains of living organisms after millions of years due to a natural process. The fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources because it can be exhausted if extensively used after a particular amount of time . And we cannot deny the fact that the formation of fossil fuels takes millions of years to be formed, but it is getting used at a rapid rate.
问题 5:列出节约资源的步骤。
As we know, we all are dependent on resources. But we should keep in mind that resources are limited in nature. If we misuse it, our future generation will have no resources. This is an alarming situation. We can take the following steps:
- We should cook our food on low flame.
- Devices that consume less energy like CFLs and LED lights should be preferred.
- We should take care not to waste electricity.
- We should cover our cooking vessels while cooking.
- Instead of the use of individual vehicles, the use of public transport should be encouraged.
- Solar or tidal energy should be developed and encouraged.
- Dams should be used to generate electricity instead of burning coal or petroleum.
- Public awareness programs should be conducted.