- 准确度:测量值与标准值的接近程度定义为准确度。例如,如果您称一个箱子的重量并记为 5 公斤,但它的已知重量是 6 公斤,那么您的测量结果是不准确的。
- 精度:精度定义为两个或多个测量值彼此之间的接近程度。如果您对同一个盒子称重五次并获得接近的值,例如 4.11、4.2、4.22、4.4 和 40,则您的测量结果是准确的。
例如,一个人的体重是 90.46 公斤。在这种情况下,数字 9,0 和 4 包括有效数字,而 6 是非有效数字。
- 非零数字总是重要的。
- 小数点右侧的最后一个零被认为是重要的。
- 写为占位符的零并不重要。
- 在两个有效数字之间找到的零是有效的。例如,0.00065 有两个有效数字。
- 第一个非零数字左侧的零不重要。例如,0.0000466 具有三个有效数字。
- 对于非十进制数,尾随零不重要。例如,63000 有两个有效数字。
有效数字被证明是数量测量精度的指标。它取决于测量仪器的最少数量。在同一商品的单位之间相互转换时保留有效数字的情况下,数量以科学计数形式表示,X × 10 Y ,其中 X 是 1 到 10 之间的数字,表示数量有效数字。
Rounding off implies simplifying a number by retaining its value but moving it closer to the next number. It is performed for whole numbers as well as decimals at various spots such as hundreds, tens, tenths, and so on.
数字 21.3 中有三个有效数字。非零数字总是有意义的。数字 21.3149 有六个有效数字(所有数字都为您提供有用的信息)。结果,数字 76 有两个有效数字,但数字 76.3 有三个有效数字。
A standard convention is followed while rounding off the digits:
- If the digit to be rounded off is less than 5 in the specified number, then the preceding digit is left unmodified.
e.g. 9.81 is rounded off to 9.8, since the digit to be dropped is less than 5, and the preceding digit is left unchanged.
- If the digit to be rounded off is greater than 5 in the specified number, then the preceding digit is modified and raised by one.
e.g. 9.88 is rounded off to 9.9, since the digit to be dropped is more than 5, and the preceding digit is incremented by one.
- If the digit to be dropped is equivalent to 5 and if followed by other non-zero digits, then the preceding digit of the specified number is raised by one.
e.g. the number 9.755 has to be rounded off considering the tens digits, then it is rounded off to 9.8 since it is followed by other non- zero digits.
- If the digit to be dropped is equivalent to 5 or if 5 is followed by other zero digits, then the preceding digit of the specified number remains unmodified, in case it is even.
e.g. the number 9.850 has to be rounded off considering the tens digits, then it is rounded off to 9.8 since it is followed by other zeros.
- If the digit to be dropped is equivalent to 5 or if 5 is followed by other zero digits, then the preceding digit of the specified number is incremented by one, in case it is odd.
e.g. the number 9.750 has to be rounded off considering the tens digits, then it is rounded off to 9.8 since it is followed by other zeros.
The first non-significant digit is at the (n+1)th position from the leftmost place.
Some of the important rules to remove Ambiguities in determining the number of Significant Figures are:
- Change in units should not have an impact on the number of significant digits of the number.
e.g. 5.900m = 590.0 cm = 5900 mm. The first two numbers are 4 significant digits, and the last one has 2 digits respectively.
- Scientific notation can be used to report measurements of numbers.
- Multiplication or division of exact numbers can have an infinite number of significant digits.
- A smaller place value for the specified whole number is chosen.
- Use the next smaller place which is towards the right of the number that is being rounded off to. While rounding digits from tens place, a digit in the one’s place is looked for.
- Look for the magnitude of the digit. If the smallest place is less than 5, then the digit is left untouched. Any number of digits after that number becomes zero which is termed as rounding down of the digit. However, if the smallest place is greater than or equal to 5, then the digit is added with +1. Any digits after that number become zero and are termed as rounding up of the digit.
- Determine the rounding digits and evaluate the right-hand side.
- If the digits on the right-hand side are less than 5, they are considered to be equivalent to zero. If greater than or equal to 5, then add +1 to that digit and consider all other digits as zero.
- 四舍五入到最接近的十位:考虑以下三个数字:24、25 和 26。这些数字必须四舍五入到最接近的十位。考虑将这些数字放在一个规模上。 24 接近 20 还是接近 30?它接近二十,所以我们将它四舍五入到二十。同样,26 接近 30,因此我们可以将其四舍五入到 30。25 与 20 和 30 的距离相同。通常的做法是向上取整,因此 25 也将向上取整到 30。最后,以 1、2、3 和 4 结尾的数字向下取整,但以 5、6、7、8 和 9 结尾的数字向上取整到最接近的十位。
- 四舍五入到数百:同样的想法也适用于这里。我们查看数轴以确定它是否更接近下百位或上位。通过实例,我们会有更深的理解。完成数字 527 和 582。在这种情况下,527 显然更接近 500,所以我们将其四舍五入到 500。而 582 将四舍五入到最接近的百位,得到 600。要记住的一件事是 450,大约在 400 到 500 之间,通常四舍五入到 500。例如,将 43 舍入到最接近的一百。因为 43 比 100 更接近 0,所以我们将其四舍五入为 0。
- 四舍五入到千位:数字轴上接近 0 的 0 到 499 之间的所有值都将四舍五入为 0。从 500 到 999 的数字将四舍五入为 1000。同样的想法将适用于所有更大的整数。接近千位以下的数字将向下舍入,而超过 500 的数字将向上舍入。
Since the leading zeros are not necessary for the significant digits.
Therefore, there are three significant digits 650.
问题 2:将这些数字四舍五入到三个有效数字:(a) 9.845 和 (b) 6.735。
(a) The number to be rounded off is equivalent to 5, so in the first case, the preceding digits are even, therefore remain unmodified. Therefore, the obtained number 9.84.
(b) The number to be rounded off is equivalent to 5, so in the first case, the preceding digits are odd, therefore are incremented by one. Therefore, the obtained number 9.83.
The change of units does not change the significant digits. For example, in terms of length, 12 m = 1.2 × 10 m = 1.2 × 103 cm where the significant digits is equivalent to 1.
问题 4:写出 0.410 m 的有效数字个数。
Zeros to the left of a significant number that are not limited to the left by another significant figure are not significant, according to the general criterion for defining significant figures. Significant are zeroes put after other numbers but before a decimal point. As a result, for the provided value 0.410, the final three digits will be significant numbers. As a result, it has three important figures.
问题 5:四舍五入到 3 位有效数字的数字 4.845 和 4.835 是多少?
Because the previous digit is even, the number 4.845 rounded to three significant digits yields 4.84. The number 4.835 rounded to three significant digits, on the other hand, becomes 4.84 since the previous digit is odd.