如上所述,原子和分子的质量非常低,并且数量非常多。我们在这里处理的数字大到 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 的分子(仅 2 g H 2氢气)和小到 0.000000000000000000000000166 g 的数字,即氢原子的质量。在类似的尺度上存在诸如光速、普朗克常数、粒子电荷等常数的值。
这里的科学记数法是指数记数法,其中可以用 N × 10 n的形式表示给定的数字,其中 N 是介于 1.000... 和 9.999... 之间的数字项,n 是正值或负值的指数。因此,可以用科学计数法将 2702.0109 写为 2.7020109 × 10 3 。可以观察到,一旦将小数点左移三位,从而将 10 的指数 (3) 添加到科学计数法中。同样,将 0.00001008565 写为 1.008565 × 10 -5 。在这里,小数点向右移动了 5 位,因为 10 的 (-5) 指数采用科学计数法。
示例 1: (4.2342 × 10 19 ) × (7.32 × 10 5 )
(4.2342 × 1019) × (7.32 × 105)
= (4.2342 × 7.32) × 10(19+5)
= 30.994344 × 1024
= 3.099 × 1025
例 2: (6.23 × 10 6 ) ÷ (8.33 × 10 -2 )
(6.23 × 106) ÷ (8.33 × 10-2)
= (6.23 ÷ 8.33) × 106-(-2)
= (0.74789) × 108
= 7.4789 × 107
示例 1:(5.12 × 10 3 ) + (6.84 × 10 5 )
(5.12 × 103) + (6.84 × 105)
= (5.12 × 103) + (684 × 103)
= (5.12 + 684) × 103
= 689.12 × 103
= 6.8912 × 105
示例 2: (2.57 × 10 5 ) – (9.46 × 10 3 )
(2.57 × 105) – (9.46 × 103)
= (2.57 × 105) – (0.0946 × 105)
= (2.57 + 0.0946) × 105
= 2.4757 × 105
由于测量仪器的缺陷和缺乏观察的准确性,所有的实验测量都存在一些不确定性。例如,当在平台天平上观察到物体的质量为 15 克时。然而,同样的物体在分析秤上可能重 15.239 克。因此,人们总是不能正确地分辨出精确的测量值。给定的实验或计算值的不确定性由有效数字的数量表示。
有效数字是肯定已知的数字加上估计或不确定的数字。因此,通过写入某些数字和最后一个不确定数字来显示不确定性。例如,如果房间的温度是 35.2 °C,则将 35 视为确定,将 2 视为不确定。最后一位的不确定性是+1。如果没有说明,直接考虑最后一位+1。
- 所有非零数字都被认为是重要的。例如,123 有三位有效数字,而 0.123 也有三位有效数字。
- 第一个非零之前的零不重要。这些零表示给定小数点的位置。因此,0.02 有一个有效数字,0.000027 也只有两个有效数字。
- 任何两个非零数字之间的零是有意义的。因此 9.003 有四个有效数字。
- 数字末尾或右侧的零(如果它们在小数点右侧)很重要。例如,0.500 ml 具有三位有效数字。但是,如果没有小数点,终端零并不重要。例如,9000 只有一位有效数字,但 9000. 有四位有效数字,9000.0 有五位有效数字。这些数字最好用科学计数法表示。我们宁愿将 9000 表示为 9 × 10 3 (一位有效数字)或 9.00 × 10 3 (三位有效数字)。
- 确切的数字可以用无限有效数字表示。比如 50 可以写成 50.0000000 或者 734 可以写成 743.000000000 等等。在科学记数法中,所有数字都是有效的。例如,3.545 × 10 -2有四个有效数字,而 9.43 × 10 6有三个有效数字。
例如,假设 Alex、Bob 和 Carol 三个学生正在测量物理教科书的长度。这本书已知的真实长度是 29.5 厘米。 Alex 测量并报告了两个值 28.0 cm 和 28.2 cm。这两个值都是精确的,因为它们彼此接近但不准确。 Bob 测量并报告了两个值 28.5 cm 和 30.5 cm。这些值的平均值是真实值,但这种观察虽然准确,但并不精确。卡罗尔重复这个实验,测量出 29.4 厘米和 29.6 厘米。这两个值都是精确和准确的,因为它们彼此接近,平均值是真实值。 True Value = 29.5 cm 1st Observation 2nd Observation Average of both Precise Accurate 28.0 cm 28.2 cm 28.1 cm Yes No 28.5 cm 30.5 cm 29.5 cm No Yes 29.4 cm 29.6 cm 29.5 cm Yes Yes Alex Bob Carol
When dealing with calculations, we often need to convert units from one system to another. The method to do so is called factor label method or unit factor method or dimensional analysis.
For example, to find the length of a pen of 5 inches in cm.
By convention, 1 inch = 2.54 cm.
From this equivalence, write 1 inch / 2.54 cm = 1 = 2.54 cm / 1 inch. This means that both these are unit factors and are here considered equal to 1. Thus, now multiply 5 inches to this to calculate the measurement in cm.
Therefore, 5 × (2.54 cm / 1 inch) = 12.7 cm.
Thus, the length of the pen in cm is 12.7 cm.
问题2:什么是科学计数法?用科学计数法写 7654630000210000。
Scientific Notation is the exponential notation in which we can represent a given number in the form of N x 10^n, where N is a digit term that ranges between 1.000… and 9.999…, and n is an exponent of positive or negative values.
For example, we can write 7630210000 as 7.653021 × 109 in scientific notation.
问题 3:Precision 和 Accuracy 有什么区别?
Precision stands for the closeness of different measurements for the same quantity. Accuracy is the consensus of a particular value to the true value of the measurement. Thus, precision means how close the measurements are and accuracy stands for how correct the values are.
问题 4:一个物体的准确重量是 2.50 公斤。一位名叫大卫的学生分别测量了 2.46 公斤、2.49 公斤和 2.52 公斤。评论。
David’s measurements are 2.46 kg, 2.49 kg and 2.52 kg. The average of these values is 2.49 kg. Considering the true value being 2.50 kg, we can comment that the measurements are accurate, but not precise as 2.46 kg and 2.52 kg are not close values.
问题 5:乘以 4.3545 × 1.9。用有效数字计算答案。
4.3545 × 1.9 = 8.27355.
However, when considered in terms of significant figures, in these operations, the result must be reported with no more significant figures as in the measurement with the few significant figures.
Thus, one can have maximum only two significant figures as 1.9 has only two significant figures.
Therefore, 4.3545 × 1.9 = 8.2, where 8.2 has only 2 significant figures.
By convention, 1 day = 24 hours.
From this equivalence, write 1 day / 24 hours = 1 = 24 hours / 1 day. This means that both these are unit factors and are here considered equal to 1.
Similarly, find the equivalence from hours to seconds.
3 days = (3 days × (24 hours / 1 day) × (60 min / 1 hour) × (60 s / 1 min)) seconds
3 days = (3 × 24 × 60 × 60) seconds
3 days = 259200 seconds
3 days = 2.592 × 105 seconds.
Thus, 3 days have 2.592 × 105 seconds.
问题 7:零是否被视为有效数字?
Zeroes preceding the first non-zero aren’t significant. These zeroes indicate the position of the given decimal point. Thus, 0.02 has one significant figure and 0.000027 also has just two significant figures. Zeroes between any two non-zero digits are significant. Thus 9.003 has four significant figures. Zeroes at the end or on the right of a number (if they are on the right of the decimal point) are significant.