📜  raspistill timelapse - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:19:42.689000             🧑  作者: Mango

Raspistill Timelapse - Python


Raspistill Timelapse is a Python library that provides a simple way to capture timelapse photos using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. It makes use of the raspistill command line tool, which is included in the Raspbian operating system, to capture images at specified intervals and saves them as a sequence. This library makes it easy to configure the capture settings and set up the timelapse process.


To use the Raspistill Timelapse library, you need to have the following:

  • Raspberry Pi with Raspbian installed
  • Raspberry Pi Camera Module connected and enabled
  • Python 3.x installed

The library can be easily installed using pip. Open a terminal and run the following command:

pip install raspistill-timelapse

The following code snippet demonstrates the usage of the Raspistill Timelapse library:

from raspistill_timelapse import timelapse

# Configuration options
output_dir = "/home/pi/timelapse"
interval = 5  # seconds
duration = 60  # seconds
width = 1920
height = 1080
quality = 100

# Start the timelapse capture
timelapse.start(output_dir, interval, duration, width, height, quality)
Configuration Options
  • output_dir (string): The directory where the timelapse images will be saved.
  • interval (int): The interval between consecutive captures, in seconds.
  • duration (int): The total duration of the timelapse capture, in seconds.
  • width (int): The width of the captured images.
  • height (int): The height of the captured images.
  • quality (int): The JPEG quality of the captured images (0-100).

The captured images will be saved in the specified output_dir as a sequence of JPEG files. The filenames will be in the format frame_00001.jpg, frame_00002.jpg, and so on.


The Raspistill Timelapse library provides an easy way to capture timelapse photos using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. With just a few lines of code, you can configure the capture settings and start the timelapse process. It is a convenient tool for capturing and documenting time-based events or visualizing gradual changes over time.