由于该国的温度、形态和栖息地不同,印度的植物群是世界上最多样化的植物之一。印度拥有约 18,000 种开花植物,约占世界植物总数的 7%。印度可能发现超过 50,000 种植物,包括一些特有物种。自古以来,印度就依赖植物作为治疗的来源。
印度有大约 3000 种植物,分为八个植物区:西喜马拉雅山脉、东喜马拉雅山脉、阿萨姆邦、印度河平原、恒河平原、德干、马拉巴尔和安达曼群岛。
Natural Vegetation refers to the plant community which has grown naturally without human help or untouched by human. There are so many crops, fruits, orchards which are the part of vegetation but they are not the part of natural vegetation.
温带常绿森林分布在澳大拉西亚、新西兰和南美洲南部(智利和阿根廷的一些地方有落叶林除外),尽管它们不像北半球的同类那样落叶。在北半球,特色树种包括橡树、枫树、椴木、山毛榉和榆树,但在南半球,Nothofagus 属的树木在这种森林中占主导地位。这些是印度分布最广的森林。
Tropical deciduous forests are found mostly in South Africa, Central America, Africa, and India, where they grow in a moderately hot temperature of thirty degrees Celsius. Despite being constantly heated, these places have sufficient moisture to support the growth of plants and bushes. These woods are usually thick and packed, and seasonal changes are common. Around the end of fall and the beginning of winter, deciduous woodlands are well known for shedding their leaves. Plants and trees that shed their leaves each year are referred to as deciduous Because the trees in these woods shed their leaves during the dry season,
此外,这些林地地区经常会下大雨。绝大多数热带森林位于北回归线和摩羯座之间,因此非常潮湿。这些森林在印度广泛分布,主要分布在降雨量在 200 厘米至 70 厘米之间的地区。这些森林也被称为季风森林。在这些森林中发现的动物有狮子、老虎、大象、猪和鹿。其他一些物种是鸟类、蜥蜴,它们也存在于这些森林中。
有两种类型的热带落叶林 -
这些森林主要分布在该国东部,如西奥里萨邦、贾坎德邦、恰蒂斯加尔邦等东北部各州。年降雨量在 100 至 200 厘米之间的地区。这些森林被称为潮湿落叶林。这些森林的树木用于商业目的。
这些森林位于半岛高原多雨地区以及北方邦和比哈尔邦平原的降雨量在 70 至 100 厘米之间。这些森林主要用于农业活动和放牧。这些森林的温度介于 16°C 至 23°C 之间。它的特点是檐篷。阳光可以很容易地到达地面,这有助于这种森林中草的生长,
例如,在这些森林中发现了柚木、Sal、peepal 和印楝树。
- 灌溉和农业经营等人类活动损害了这些森林。这些森林受到威胁的主要原因之一是砍伐森林的速度越来越快。这些行为造成了很大的压力,因为它们正在破坏大自然的基本生态系统。这些行为危及动植物物种,并导致很大比例的二氧化碳排放,从而加剧了全球变暖。
- 此外,一些寄生虫或疾病会导致这些森林资源的质量下降,使其成为一个严重的问题。最近几天也有许多灾难性的野火失控的例子。所有这些担忧都对森林的生存构成了重大威胁。
- 森林占全国土地总面积的 33% 以上。而且,无论从质量还是数量上,这些快速的气候波动都会对其发展产生影响。
- 结果,森林砍伐、农业实践和过度放牧对世界各地的落叶林生态系统造成了严重破坏。其中一些土地正在完全用于农业用途。
- 这些都是严峻的挑战,因为这些树林是各种动物的家园,对这些生物的任何长期伤害都会对我们自己的生存产生直接影响。
问题 1:定义生物群落?
It is referred to a very large ecosystem on land having distinct types of vegetation and animal life .
问题 2:什么是 1972 年的野生保护法?
This wild protection act 1972 is for the protection of wild life and so as to enhance the ecological and environmental structure of the country, and To protect the animal habitat from various human activities like hunting, cutting down of forests.
问题 3:为政府为森林安全采取的两个同修步骤?
- Forest conservation Act 1980 : This act gives the power to the states to control the deforestation rates.
- Article 51-A(g) : This act is to encourage the every Indian to protect and promote the natural environment.
问题 4:解释印度人如何影响森林?
Humans affect the forest in many ways and also effect the ecology of a region,
- By excessive exploitation of the plants resources by human being which leads to disturbance in the ecosystem .
- By cutting the trees and excess use of forest land for personal use .
问题 5:解决野生动物减少问题的步骤是什么?
Decreasing wildlife is because of the greedy hunters as there is high demand of animals product,
- By making humans aware for the protection and conservation of wild life.
- By giving opportunities to the local peoples like forest guide, tourist guide