Green chemistry is described as the use of a set of principles in the design, production, and use of chemical products to assist decrease or eliminate the use or creation of hazardous chemicals.
Paul Anastas 和 John C. Warner 在 1998 年提出了一套管理绿色化学的原则。十二项原则为减少化学制造对环境和健康造成的后果提供了多种选择。它还为绿色技术研发提供了机会。
Green Chemistry is an Alternative Tool for Reducing Pollution: 12 Principles of Green Chemistry
Green chemistry is primarily based upon 12 key principles. These principles were stated by American chemists’ Paul Anastas and John Warner in the year 1998. These principles have been discussed below:
- Prevention of Waste: It aims at reduction in waste generated rather than cleaning the waste after generation. Thus it focuses to prevent waste generation.
- Atom economy: It focuses to design such processes that utilize the maximum amount of raw material to make a product. Thus it aims at maximum efficiency of a process. This also helps to reduce waste being generated.
- Avoiding the generation of hazardous chemicals: Various processes should make the minimum use of toxic and harmful substances
- The design of safe chemicals: In any process, care must be taken that the chemicals or wastes produced are the least harmful to humans and the environment.
- Design of safe auxiliaries and solvents: The use of auxiliaries in various chemical processes must be avoided. If it is very necessary to do so, then only those chemicals must be used that are the least toxic.
- Energy efficiency: The energy consumption should be minimized and new processes must be designed that are highly efficient and make the maximum utilization of the energy being used.
- Incorporation of renewable feedstock: The processes must make the maximum use of renewable resources and renewable energy and raw materials in order to produce the products. The least use of non renewable resources should be made.
- Reduction in the generation of derivatives: The generation of derivatives must be minimum as they require additional resources to de toxify them and generate more waste.
- Incorporation of Catalysts: Non toxic catalysts must be used as they tend to increase the rate of process and lowers the total energy consumption.
- Designing the chemicals for degradation: When creating new products, care must be taken that the product or chemical is non toxic to environment and easily degradable to prevent pollution.
- Incorporating real-time analysis: Processes must be monitored in real time and the data must be readily available. This can help to stop a process before it leads to production of toxic substances.
- Incorporation of safe chemistry for the prevention of accidents: The chemicals that are being used must be safe to use and handle. This will ensure minimum risk of accident and also provide a safer environment to work.
- 使用绿色溶剂:随着科技的进步,我们发明了无毒、不会造成污染的溶剂和化学品。早些时候,已知使用的化学品或溶剂含有氯,对环境有毒。
- 新技术的开发:正在开发无毒且不会对环境造成危害的新技术和工艺。这种技术的一个例子是 2005 年获得诺贝尔化学奖的 Robert Grubbs、Richard Schrock 和 Yves Chauvin 开发的烯烃复分解反应。其他开发包括超临界水氧化、干介质反应等。
- 联氨生产:早期联氨是使用氨和次氯酸钠生产的,会产生有毒物质作为废物。开发了一种在氨和过氧化氢的帮助下制备肼的新工艺。在该反应中,水是除肼之外的唯一产物。因此,这个过程也减少了废物的产生。此外,该过程不使用任何额外的溶剂或化学品。
- 纸张漂白:过氧化氢在漂白纸张的过程中取代了氯。早期使用的氯对环境有害。
- 干洗:早期使用四氯乙烯作为干洗剂,毒性很大,污染地下水。它是一种致癌物质并引起疾病。现在已被液化 CO_2 和清洁剂取代。该过程确保产生的废物毒性最小,因为在这种情况下产生的废物是液态二氧化碳。
- 它用于消费品、制药和其他行业。
- 它用于开发对环境危害较小且效率更高的新工艺
- 它在电子和电气工业中也有用途。
问题 1:定义绿色化学。
Green chemistry is also known as sustainable chemistry. It is the branch of chemistry which is mainly concerned with the optimization of processes or creation of new processes that aim to remove or lower the amount of toxic substances produced in the environment.
Green chemistry is concerned with creating sustainable development while the environmental chemistry is concerned with harmful effects of the toxic substances on the environment.
The 12 principles of green chemistry were given by American chemists Paul Anastas and John Warner in 1998.
According to this principle, processes must be designed such that the waste produced is reduced and minimum waste is produced. It focuses on prevention of waste production rather than treatment of waste.
问题 5:绿色化学如何改变纸张的漂白?
Hydrogen Peroxide has replaced chlorine in the process of bleaching paper. Chlorine that was used earlier was harmful for the environment.
Hydrazine is now produced with the help of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide which leaves behind water as the only waste product.
问题 7:陈述绿色化学的两种用途?
The uses of green chemistry are as follows:
- It finds applications in consumer products, pharmaceuticals, and other industries.
- It is used to develop new processes that are less harmful for the environment and more efficient.