When one element reacts with other elements to generate two or more distinct compounds, the mass of one element reacts with a constant mass of the other in a simple ratio.
Cause of Chemical Combination
Chemical bonding (or chemical combination) allows atoms to attain a noble gas electronic configuration and hence become more stable. Atoms share or transfer their electron in order to fill their outermost shells entirely and thus attain stability. Other than noble gases, atoms have unstable electronic configurations (their outermost shell is incomplete). The tendency of each atom to achieve a stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas is connected to the driving force for atoms to combine.
- 质量守恒定律:该定律规定物质不能以任何方式创造或毁灭。换句话说,反应混合物和形成的产物的总质量保持不变。 1789 年,安托万·拉瓦锡根据他在分析各种燃烧反应后收集的数据发表了这条定律。
- 定比例定律:根据法国化学家约瑟夫·普鲁斯特 (Joseph Proust) 的说法,特定化学物质中成分的重量比例将始终保持不变。基本而言,无论化合物的来源、来源或数量如何,按重量计算的组分组成百分比始终相同。
- 多重比例定律:根据法国化学家约瑟夫·普鲁斯特(Joseph Proust)的说法,给定化合物中组分的重量比例将始终相同。简而言之,无论化合物的来源、来源或数量如何,按重量计算的组分组成百分比将始终保持不变。
- Gay Lussac 的气体体积定律: Gay Lussac 根据他的发现于 1808 年通过了这条规则。当气体在化学反应中产生或混合时,如果所有气体都处于相同的温度和压力下,它们会以简单的体积比进行。这个定律可以被认为是固定比例定律的一个变体。这两个化学规则之间的主要区别在于,盖卢萨克定律以体积表示,而定比例定律以质量表示。
- 阿伏伽德罗定律: 1811 年,阿伏伽德罗提出了这条定律。它说在相同的温度和压力下,相同体积的所有气体包含相同数量的分子。这意味着如果两升氢气和两升氧气处于相同的温度和压力下,它们将具有相同数量的分子。
- 当氧与氢结合时形成水分子。这是一种混合搭配的反应。
2H + O 2 → 2H 2 O
- 当元素钙和氧结合时形成氧化钙。
2Ca + O 2 → 2CaO
- 当元素氮和氢结合时会产生氨。
N 2 + 3H 2 → 2NH 3
- 氧化钙与水反应生成氢氧化钙。
CaO + H 2 O → Ca(OH) 2
- 当二氧化硫和氧气结合时会形成三氧化硫。
2SO 2 + O 2 → 2SO 3
Chemical bonding (or chemical combination) allows atoms to attain a noble gas electronic configuration and hence become more stable. Atoms share or transfer their electron in order to fill their outermost shells entirely and thus attain stability. Other than noble gases, atoms have unstable electronic configurations ( their outermost shell is incomplete). The tendency of each atom to achieve a stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas is connected to the driving force for atoms to combine.
Combination, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion are the five main types of chemical processes. Analyzing the reactants and products of a reaction, you can categorise it into one of these groups.
问题 3:如果使用非金金属制成的箔片进行 a 粒子散射实验,您认为结果会是什么?
The results of the a-particle scattering experiment would be the same if any metal foil was used because all atoms would have the same structure.
问题 4:根据卢瑟福模型,原子的局限性是什么?
The electrons in Rutherford’s idea of an atom revolve in a circular orbit around the nucleus. Any rotating particle would experience acceleration and emit energy. The circling electron would eventually lose its energy and fall into the nucleus, making the atom exceedingly unstable. However, we know that atoms are extremely stable.
问题 5:以硅和氧为例来定义化合价。
The combining capacity of an atom is known as valency.
Atomic number of oxygen = 8 Atomic number of silicon = 14 K L M
Electronic configuration of oxygen = 2 6 –
Electronic configuration of silicon =2 8 4
The valence electrons in oxygen atoms are six (i.e., electrons in the outermost shell). Two electrons are required to fill the orbit. The valence electrons in a silicon atom are four. Four electrons are required to occupy this orbit.
As a result, oxygen has a combining capacity of 2 while silicon has a combining capacity of 4.
i.e., oxygen has a valency of 2 and silicon has a valency of 4.