Why is Chemical Equilibrium called Dynamic Equilibrium?
An equilibrium stage is defined as the point at which the rate of forwarding reaction equals the rate of backward response. The number of reactant molecules changing into products and product molecules converting into reactants is the same at this moment. The same equilibrium can be achieved with the same reactants under comparable conditions anywhere in the world, implying that chemical equilibrium is dynamic.
A + B ⇌ C + D
产物(C 和 D)随时间增加,而反应物(A 和 B)减少。结果,正反应速率降低,而逆反应速率增加。最后,两个反应同时发生,达到平衡状态。这种平衡可以从任一方向获得。
N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ⇌ 2NH 3 (g)
此外,Haber 的方法以下列方式举例说明了化学平衡的动态字符。保持与以前相同的实验设置,用氘 (D 2 ) 代替氢。结果,代替NH 3产生了ND 3 。两种反应,一种使用H 2 ,另一种涉及D 2 ,均被允许达到平衡。将这两种混合物混合并放置一段时间后,发现氨的浓度与之前相同。尽管如此,质谱分析证实,除了氨之外,还存在所有类型的氘和二氢。
由于正向和反向过程继续进行,H 和 D 原子的加扰肯定是可以想象的。如果反应在达到平衡时结束,就不会发生同位素混合。结果,化学反应达到动态平衡状态,其中正向和逆向反应的速率相等,并且没有发生成分的净变化。
H 2 (g) + I 2 (g) ⇌ 2HI(g)
如果我们在 H 2和 I 2的初始浓度相等的情况下开始反应,反应将继续进行,氢和碘的浓度降低,碘化氢的浓度增加,直到达到平衡。如果我们逆转上述反应,碘化氢的浓度会下降,而氢和碘的浓度会上升,直到达到平衡。结果,如果给定体积中元素的原子总数相同,则无论从反应物还是产物开始,我们都会得到相同的平衡混合物。
- 系统必须关闭,这意味着没有物质可以进入或退出。
- 平衡是一个活生生的、会呼吸的东西。即使我们看不到反应,正向和反向反应都在发生。
- 前向和后向反应的速率必须相等。
- 反应物和产物的数量不必相同。然而,一旦达到平衡,反应物和产物的量就保持不变。
- 化学反应中的正向反应将反应物转化为产物,而逆向反应将产物转化回反应物。有两种状态,反应物和产物,它们都以不同的成分存在。
- 当反应开始时,前向和后向反应的速率可能会在一段时间后变得相等。
- 在此之后,转化的反应物的数量将通过逆反应再次产生,导致反应物和产物的浓度没有变化。结果,反应物和产物将处于化学平衡状态。
The pace of advance and backward reactions becomes equal at the chemical equilibrium state, and the concentrations of products and reactants remain constant. During a reversible chemical process, chemical equilibrium occurs when there is no net change in the proportions of reactants and products. Reversible chemical reactions occur when the products, after they have been generated, react with the initial reactants to make the products. In equilibrium, both opposing processes occur at the same rate or velocity, and the quantity of substances involved do not change. In equilibrium, both opposing processes occur at the same rate or velocity, and the quantity of substances involved do not change.
When equilibrium is attained, solution particles will continue to travel over the membrane in both directions. Despite the fact that nearly an equal number of particles flow in each direction, there is no further change in concentration. Equilibrium is the state of a reversible reaction in which the forward reaction rate matches the backward reaction rate. The reaction does not thereafter come to a halt. Because dissolution is a reversible process, if we add sugar to water indefinitely, we will eventually be unable to add more, but this does not mean that the sugar being added is not being dissolved in water; it is simply the concept of Equilibrium at that time.
问题 3:Lechatelier 原理是什么?
According to Lechatelier’s principle, any changes in the components impacting the equilibrium condition will offset or lessen the total transformation effect. This rule holds true for both chemical and physical equilibrium.
问题 4:当产品被移除时,平衡会发生什么?
If we remove a reactant or product from the equilibrium state, the equilibrium shifts to produce more reactant or product, respectively, to compensate for the loss. When a product is removed from a chemically balanced system, the equilibrium shifts to produce more products in order to compensate for the loss in product concentration. In contrast, removing a reactant causes the system’s equilibrium to shift, allowing more reactants to be created.