📜  kivy中带有验证按钮的文本输入框

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:51.954000             🧑  作者: Mango


Kivy 是Python中一个独立于平台的 GUI 工具。因为它可以在Android、IOS、linux和Windows等平台上运行。它基本上是用来开发Android应用程序的,但这并不意味着它不能在桌面应用程序上使用。

在本文中,我们将学习如何在 kivy 中添加带有文本输入的按钮,就像我们在输入和提交按钮中一样。在继续之前,您必须了解 kivy 中的 Textinput 小部件和 Button。

要使用 Textinput 和按钮,您必须通过命令导入它 -

from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from kivy.uix.button import Button
Basic Approach:
1) import kivy
2) import kivyApp
3) import Button
4) import Boxlayout
5) import Textinput
6) import BoxLayout
7) Set minimum version(optional)
8) create App class
9) return Layout/widget/Class(according to requirement)
10) Run an instance of the class


main.py 文件

## Sample Python application demonstrating that   
## how to create Text Input with Button in kivy
# import kivy module     
import kivy 
# base Class of your App inherits from the App class.     
# app:always refers to the instance of your application 
from kivy.app import App 
# this restrict the kivy version i.e 
# below this kivy version you cannot 
# use the app or software 
# creates the button in kivy 
# if not imported shows the error 
from kivy.uix.button import Button
# The TextInput widget provides a 
# box for editable plain text 
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput 
# BoxLayout arranges widgets in either 
# in vertical fashion that 
# is one on top of another or in 
# horizontal fashion that is one after another. 
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout 
# to change the kivy default settings we use this module config 
from kivy.config import Config
# 0 being off 1 being on as in true / false 
# you can use 0 or 1 && True or False 
Config.set('graphics', 'resizable', True)
# Create the App class 
class BTNTEXTApp(App): 
    # defining build() 
    def build(self): 
                # Telling orientation 
        b = BoxLayout(orientation ='vertical', ) 
        # Adding the text input 
        t = TextInput(font_size = 30, 
                    size_hint_y = None, 
                    height = 100) 
        # Adding Button and styling
        f = Button(text ="Push Me !", 
                   font_size ="20sp", 
                   background_color =(.67, 1, .33, 1), 
                   color =(1, 1, 1, 1) )
        return b 
# Run the App 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
