📜  如何使用Python制作 Todo List CLI 应用程序?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:55.144000             🧑  作者: Mango

如何使用Python制作 Todo List CLI 应用程序?




  • 添加新的待办事项
  • 删除待办事项
  • 完成一个待办事项
  • 显示剩余的待办事项
  • 显示待办事项的统计信息


注意:在 Windows 命令提示符中运行应用程序 → 输入 todo 或.\todo

In shell or git bash  -->     type ./todo
  • 要创建待办事项列表应用程序,我们必须遵循以下步骤:
  • 创建一个名为 todolist 的文件夹
  • 在创建的文件夹中创建一个文件 todo.py
  • 如果您是寡妇用户,则创建另一个文件 todo.bat 文件。这是一个批处理文件。它用于运行Python脚本
  • 如果您是 Linux 用户,则创建一个名为 todo.sh 的文件。这用于运行Python脚本。


@echo off
python3 todo.py %1 %2


python todo.py "$@"


在 Windows 中(在命令提示符或 Powershell 中)

要在 Windows 上创建符号链接,您需要以管理员权限**运行 Windows 命令提示符或 Windows Powershell。为此,请右键单击命令提示符或 Powershell 的图标,然后选择 _“以管理员身份运行”_ 选项。

mklink todo todo.bat

在 Linux 或 shell 中(如 git bash)

$ ln -s todo.sh todo



# module required
import sys
import datetime

# help function
def help():
    sa = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""

# function to add item in todo list
def add(s):
    f = open('todo.txt', 'a')
    s = '"'+s+'"'
    print(f"Added todo: {s}")

# Function to print the todo list items
def ls():
        l = len(d)
        k = l
        for i in d:
            sys.stdout.buffer.write(f"[{l}] {d[l]}".encode('utf8'))
            l = l-1
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

# Function to Complete a todo
def done(no):
        no = int(no)
        f = open('done.txt', 'a')
        st = 'x '+str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]+' '+d[no]
        print(f"Marked todo #{no} as done.")
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist.")

# Function to show report/statistics of todo list
def report():
        nf = open('done.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in nf:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            don.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')

# code
def deL(no):
        no = int(no)
        # utility function defined in main
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Deleted todo #{no}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist. Nothing deleted.")

# code
def nec():
  # utility function used in done and report function
        f = open('todo.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            d.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
        sys.stdout.buffer.write("There are no pending todos!".encode('utf8'))
# Main program
if __name__ == '__main__':
        d = {}
        don = {}
        args = sys.argv
        if(args[1] == 'del'):
            args[1] = 'deL'
        if(args[1] == 'add' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing todo string. Nothing added!".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'done' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for marking todo as done.".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'deL' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for deleting todo.".encode('utf8'))
    except Exception as e:
        s = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""

# Complete code
import sys
import datetime
def help():
    sa = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""
def add(s):
    f = open('todo.txt', 'a')
    s = '"'+s+'"'
    print(f"Added todo: {s}")
def ls():
        l = len(d)
        k = l
        for i in d:
            sys.stdout.buffer.write(f"[{l}] {d[l]}".encode('utf8'))
            l = l-1
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
def deL(no):
        no = int(no)
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Deleted todo #{no}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist. Nothing deleted.")
def done(no):
        no = int(no)
        f = open('done.txt', 'a')
        st = 'x '+str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]+' '+d[no]
        print(f"Marked todo #{no} as done.")
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist.")
def report():
        nf = open('done.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in nf:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            don.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')
def nec():
        f = open('todo.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            d.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
        sys.stdout.buffer.write("There are no pending todos!".encode('utf8'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
        d = {}
        don = {}
        args = sys.argv
        if(args[1] == 'del'):
            args[1] = 'deL'
        if(args[1] == 'add' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing todo string. Nothing added!".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'done' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for marking todo as done.".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'deL' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for deleting todo.".encode('utf8'))
    except Exception as e:
        s = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""

帮助函数:帮助函数用于提供用户如何使用待办事项列表的方式。帮助函数就像 todo 应用程序的文档。


# help function
def help():
    sa = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""



# function to add item in todo list
def add(s):
    f = open('todo.txt', 'a')
    s = '"'+s+'"'
    print(f"Added todo: {s}")

打印待办事项列表函数,该函数用来打印存在于我们的待办事项列表中的项目。 Todo 项目按升序打印。


# Function to print the todo list items
def ls():
        l = len(d)
        k = l
        for i in d:
            sys.stdout.buffer.write(f"[{l}] {d[l]}".encode('utf8'))
            l = l-1
    except Exception as e:
        raise e



# Function to Complete a todo
def done(no):
        no = int(no)
        f = open('done.txt', 'a')
        st = 'x '+str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]+' '+d[no]
        print(f"Marked todo #{no} as done.")
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist.")

显示todolist统计信息的函数: “report”函数用于显示完整的统计信息。它打印已完成任务的总数和待处理任务的总数。


# Function to show report/statistics of todo list
def report():
        nf = open('done.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in nf:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            don.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')



# code
def deL(no):
        no = int(no)
        # utility function defined in main
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Deleted todo #{no}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist. Nothing deleted.")



# code
def nec():
  # utility function used in done and report function
        f = open('todo.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            d.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
        sys.stdout.buffer.write("There are no pending todos!".encode('utf8'))
# Main program
if __name__ == '__main__':
        d = {}
        don = {}
        args = sys.argv
        if(args[1] == 'del'):
            args[1] = 'deL'
        if(args[1] == 'add' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing todo string. Nothing added!".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'done' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for marking todo as done.".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'deL' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for deleting todo.".encode('utf8'))
    except Exception as e:
        s = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""



# Complete code
import sys
import datetime
def help():
    sa = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""
def add(s):
    f = open('todo.txt', 'a')
    s = '"'+s+'"'
    print(f"Added todo: {s}")
def ls():
        l = len(d)
        k = l
        for i in d:
            sys.stdout.buffer.write(f"[{l}] {d[l]}".encode('utf8'))
            l = l-1
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
def deL(no):
        no = int(no)
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Deleted todo #{no}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist. Nothing deleted.")
def done(no):
        no = int(no)
        f = open('done.txt', 'a')
        st = 'x '+str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]+' '+d[no]
        print(f"Marked todo #{no} as done.")
        with open("todo.txt", "r+") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for i in lines:
                if i.strip('\n') != d[no]:
        print(f"Error: todo #{no} does not exist.")
def report():
        nf = open('done.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in nf:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            don.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')
            f'{str(datetime.datetime.today()).split()[0]} Pending : {len(d)} Completed : {len(don)}')
def nec():
        f = open('todo.txt', 'r')
        c = 1
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip('\n')
            d.update({c: line})
            c = c+1
        sys.stdout.buffer.write("There are no pending todos!".encode('utf8'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
        d = {}
        don = {}
        args = sys.argv
        if(args[1] == 'del'):
            args[1] = 'deL'
        if(args[1] == 'add' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing todo string. Nothing added!".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'done' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for marking todo as done.".encode('utf8'))
        elif(args[1] == 'deL' and len(args[2:]) == 0):
                "Error: Missing NUMBER for deleting todo.".encode('utf8'))
    except Exception as e:
        s = """Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item"  # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls               # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER       # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER      # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help             # Show usage
$ ./todo report           # Statistics"""
