- 主量子数
- 轨道角动量量子数(或方位角量子数)。
- 磁量子数
- 电子自旋量子数
The symbol ‘n’ represents the principal quantum numbers. They denote the atom’s primary electron shell. Because it describes the most likely distance between the nucleus and the electrons, a larger value of the principal quantum number implies a greater distance between the electron and the nucleus (which, in turn, implies a greater atomic size).
- 主量子数的值可以是正值等于或大于 1 的任何整数。 n=1 表示原子的最内层电子壳层,对应于电子的最低能态(或基态)。
- 结果,主量子数 n 不能具有负值或等于 0,因为原子不能具有负值或主壳没有值。
- 当电子被注入能量(激发态)时,电子从一个主壳层跃迁到更高的壳层,导致 n 值增加。
- 同样,当电子失去能量时,它们会返回到较低的壳层,从而降低 n 的值。吸收是指电子的 n 值增加,强调电子吸收的光子或能量。
- 类似地,电子的 n 值减小称为发射,这就是电子发射能量的地方。
The azimuthal quantum number (or orbital angular momentum) describes the shape of an orbital. It is represented by the letter ‘l,’ and its value equals the total number of angular nodes in the orbital.
- 方位角量子数的值可以表示 s、p、d 或 f 子壳,其形状各不相同。
- 该值由主量子数的值确定(并受其限制),即方位角量子数的范围在 0 和 (n-1) 之间。
- 例如,如果 n = 3,则方位角量子数可以具有三个值:0、1 和 2。
- 当 l 设置为零时,生成的子外壳是一个“s”子外壳。
- 当 l=1 和 l=2 时,生成的子壳分别(分别)是“p”和“d”子壳。
- 因此,当n=3时,可以存在的三个子壳是3s、3p和3d。在 n = 5 的另一种情况下,l 的可能值为 0、1、2、3 和 4。如果 l = 3,则原子包含三个角节点。
The magnetic quantum number determines the total number of orbitals in a subshell as well as their orientation. It is represented by the symbol ‘ml.’ This number represents the projection of the orbital’s angular momentum along a given axis.
- 磁量子数由方位角(或轨道角动量)量子数决定。
- 对于给定的 l 值,ml 的值介于 -l 和 + l之间。因此,它间接依赖于 n 的值。
- 例如,如果原子中的 n = 4 和 l = 3,则磁量子数可以是 -3、-2、-1、0、+1、+2 和 +3。给定子壳中的轨道总数由轨道的“l”值决定。
- 它使用公式 (2l + 1) 计算。例如,“3d”子壳 (n=3, l=2) 有 5 个轨道 (2*2 + 1)。每个轨道可以容纳两个电子。因此,3d 子壳层总共可以容纳 10 个电子。
The electron spin quantum number is independent of n, l, and ml values. The value of this number, denoted by the symbol ms, indicates the direction in which the electron is spinning.
- m s值表示电子旋转的方向。电子自旋量子数的值可以在 +1/2 和 -1/2 之间。
- m s的正值表示电子向上自旋,也称为自旋向上。
- 如果 m s为负,则称所讨论的电子具有向下自旋或自旋向下。
- 电子自旋量子数的值决定了所讨论的原子是否可以产生磁场。 m s的值可以推广到±½。
The concept of energy levels and notation is based on the earlier Bohr model of the atom. Schrodinger’s equation transformed the concept of a two-dimensional flat Bohr atom into a three-dimensional wave motion model. Where n = 1, 2, 3 is referred to as the main quantity, and h is the Planck constant.
In mechanics, a quantum is a discrete natural unit or bundle of energy, charge, angular momentum, or other physical property. Photons, which are particle-like packets of light, are a concept that is frequently applied to quanta with other sources of electromagnetic radiation such as X rays and gamma rays.
Magnetization or magnetic polarisation is the vector field that represents the density of permanent or induced magnetic dipole moments in a magnetic medium in classical electromagnetism. M is represented by a pseudovector.
Electron spin is a quantum property of electrons. It is a shape with angular momentum. As a teaching technique, instructors compare electron spin to the planet rotating on its own axis every 24 hours. Spin-up occurs when the electron spins clockwise on its axis; spin-down occurs when the electron spins counterclockwise.
问题 5:主要能级是多少?
The shell or orbital in which an electron resides relative to the nucleus of the atom is referred to as the electron’s primary energy level in chemistry. This level is denoted by the principal quantum number n. The first element of the periodic table introduces a new key energy level.