Wand scale()函数– Python
scale()函数是Python Wand ImageMagick 库中的内置函数,用于通过按给定的列和行缩放每个像素值来更改图像大小。
Parameters: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and defined below:
- columns: This parameter stores the number of columns to scale the image horizontally. It is in pixels.
- rows: This parameter stores the number of columns to scale the image vertically. It is in pixels.
Return Value: This function returns the Wand ImageMagick object.
示例 1:
scale(columns, rows)
# Import library from Image
from wand.image import Image
# Import the image
with Image(filename ='../geeksforgeeks.png') as image:
# Clone the image in order to process
with image.clone() as scale:
# Invoke scale function with threshold as 0.8
scale.scale(200, 100)
# Save the image
scale.save(filename ='scale1.jpg')
示例 2:
# Import libraries from the wand
from wand.image import Image
from wand.drawing import Drawing
from wand.color import Color
with Drawing() as draw:
# Set Stroke color the circle to black
draw.stroke_color = Color('black')
# Set Width of the circle to 2
draw.stroke_width = 1
# Set the fill color to 'White (# FFFFFF)'
draw.fill_color = Color('white')
# Invoke Circle function with center at 50, 50 and radius 25
draw.circle((200, 200), # Center point
(100, 100)) # Perimeter point
# Set the font style
draw.font = '../Helvetica.ttf'
# Set the font size
draw.font_size = 30
with Image(width = 400, height = 400, background = Color('# 45ff33')) as pic:
# Set the text and its location
draw.text(int(pic.width / 3), int(pic.height / 2), 'GeeksForGeeks !')
# Draw the picture
# Invoke scale function method with threshold 0.6
pic.scale(50, 100)
# Save the image
pic.save(filename ='scale2.jpg')