原子量是门捷列夫周期律的基础。根据门捷列夫的周期定律,元素的特性是其原子质量的周期函数。以原子质量为基础的门捷列夫周期律因原子序数的发现而改变。知道元素相邻元素的原子量偶尔会改变其原子量。因此,碲的原子量应该在 123 和 126 之间,但不大于 128。(碲的核重量为 127.6,门捷列夫关于核重量应随周期位置增加的假设是不正确的。)
根据门捷列夫的说法,元素的特性是其原子量的周期函数。门捷列夫将这些元素命名为 Eka-Aluminium 和 Eka-Silicon,因为他在铝下方留下了空间,在硅下方留下了空隙。
1869 年,德米特里·门捷列夫根据元素中出现的性质提出了化学元素周期表。他将元素从最轻到最重。在门捷列夫的元素周期表之前,多贝莱纳的三合会和纽兰八度定律主要考虑以表格的形式对元素进行分类。
Mendeleev’s Periodic Law states that “The properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic masses.”
在门捷列夫制定这个元素周期表的时候,只发现了 63 种化学元素。在观察了元素的所有性质后,门捷列夫得出结论,元素的性质与它们的原子质量周期性地相关。除了原子质量,门捷列夫还使用化学性质进行分类。元素的氢化物和氧化物的分子式是分类的主要标准之一。他排列元素周期表中的元素,使所有具有相似性质的元素都落在元素周期表的相同垂直列中。他将垂直列命名为“组”,将水平行命名为“句点”。 I II III IV V VI VII VIII R2O RO R2O3 RO2 R2O5 RO3 R2O7 RO4 RH RH2 RH3 RH4 RH3 RH2 RH A B A B A B A B A B A B A B Transition Series H 1.008 Li 6.939 Be 9.012 B 10.81 C 12.011 N 14.007 O 15.999 F 18.998 Na 22.99 Mg 24.31 Al 29.98 Si 28.09 P 30.974 S 32.06 Cl 35.453 K 39.102 Ca 40.08 Sc 44.96 Ti 47.9 V 50.94 Cr 50.2 Mn 54.94 Fe 55.85 Co 58.93 Ni 58.71 Cu 63.54 Zn 65.37 Ga 69.72 Ge 72.59 As 74.92 Se 78.96 Br 79.909 Rb 85.47 Sr 87.62 Y 88.91 Zr 91.22 Nb 92.91 Mo 95.94 Tc 99 Ru 101.07 Rh 102.91 Pd 106.4 Ag 107.87 Cd 112.4 In 114.82 Sn 118.69 Sb 121.75 Te 127.6 I 126.9 Ce 132.9 Ba 137.34 La 138.91 Hf 178.49 Ta 180.95 W 183.85 Os 190.2 Ir 192.2 Pt 195.09 Au 196.97 Hg 200.59 Ti 204.37 Pb 207.19 Bi 208.98Group Oxide Hydride Periods ⇓ 1 2 3 4 First series: Second series: 5 First series: Second series: 6 First series: Second Series:
门捷列夫注意到,如果严格遵循原子质量的顺序,有些元素不符合周期律。因此,他忽略了原子质量的顺序,假设原子测量可能不正确,并将具有相似性质的元素放在一起。例如,碲的原子质量大于碘。然而,他将碘与第 VII 组和碲放在第 VI 组。这是因为碘具有与氯、氟和溴更相似的性质。同时,他的主要目的是将具有相似性质的元素排列在同一组中,他提出有些元素仍未被发现,因此在表格中留下了一些空白。
- 它是当时成功容纳所有已知元素的第一批元素周期表之一。
- 它给出了形成现代周期律的周期律。
- 该表有未发现元素的空白,这被证明有利于发现新元素。元素周期表没有受到任何干扰。
- 1869 年门捷列夫的元素周期表只有七组,但威廉·拉姆齐爵士怀疑新元素属于迄今为止未知的第八组。
- Ramsey 和 Rayleigh 在 1895 年发现了惰性气体。这些惰性气体作为一个单独的组被添加到门捷列夫的元素周期表中。
- 氢,第一个开始的元素在桌子上没有确定的位置。它与其他元素的放置方式不同。
- 同位素是具有相同原子序数但原子质量不同的特定元素的变体。这些同位素违反了门捷列夫的元素周期表,因为它们无法放置。
- 元素原子质量的增加是不规则的,也不是固定的模式。因此,无法准确确定有多少元素尚未被发现。
- 门捷列夫在观察他的元素周期表后预测了几种元素。他估计一些未填充的点与给定组中存在的元素相似。
- 他将一些元素命名为(eka)-(similar element),其中Eka在梵语中意为“一个”。
- 门捷列夫预测了 eka-硼 (Eb)、eka-铝 (Ea)、eka-锰 (Em) 和 eka-硅 (Es)。
- 这些元素后来被发现分别是钪、镓、锝和锗。
- 门捷列夫还预测了一种介于钍和铀之间的元素。
门捷列夫的预测和发现的实际性质: Property Eka-silicon (predicted) Germanium (found) Eka-aluminium (predicted) Gallium (found) Atomic Weight 72 72.6 68 70 Density 5.5 5.36 5.9 5.94 Melting Point High 1231 Low 302.93 Formula of oxide EO2 GeO2 E2O3 Ga2O3 Formula of chloride ECl4 GeCl4 ECl3 GaCl3
The difference between Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and Modern Periodic Table are: Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Modern Periodic TableThis table is based on the atomic masses of the given elements. This table is based on the atomic number of the given elements. The chemical elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic masses. The chemical elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic numbers. Hydrogen doesn’t have a fixed place in this table. Hydrogen has a fixed place in this table. This table has 7 groups and 6 periods. This table has 18 groups and 7 periods. Isotopes violate this table and have no allotted place. Isotopes are placed in the same element as the atomic number is constant throughout.
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table had some shortcomings due to which it was discarded.
- Firstly, the increase in the atomic mass of the elements was found to be irregular and not in a fixed pattern.
- Secondly, Hydrogen didn’t have a fixed place on the table.
- Next, isotopes couldn’t be placed as same elements had different atomic masses.
- Lastly, as more elements were being discovered, they couldn’t get a specified place on the table.
Mendeleev did not calculate atomic masses on his own. He used the masses of existing elements to place them in the table and predict the masses of undiscovered elements. Mendeleev predicted eka-boron (Eb), eka-aluminium (Ea), eka-manganese (Em), and eka-silicon (Es), which were later discovered to be scandium, gallium, technetium and germanium respectively.
Mendeleev arranged the elements according to the atomic masses. Yet, there were instances where he had to place elements not in sequence to ensure that elements with similar properties were in the same group. Therefore, he had to violate the periodic law and ignore the order of atomic masses in some cases. For example, the atomic mass of Tellurium is more than that of Iodine. Yet, he placed Iodine with Group VII and Tellurium in Group VI. This was because Iodine has more similar properties to Chlorine, Fluorine and Bromine.
Hydrogen reacts with metals to form ionic compounds called hydrides and also with non-metals to form covalent compounds. Mendeleev’s periodic law could not assign a fixed position to hydrogen in the periodic table because hydrogen resembled both alkali metals (Group 1) and halogens (Group 17) in some of its properties.
问题 6:同位素是如何违反门捷列夫元素周期表的?
Isotopes are variants of a particular element that have the same atomic number but differ in atomic mass. As Mendeleev’s Periodic Table is according to the atomic masses, he couldn’t place one element twice in the table. Thus, isotopes violate the table and can’t be placed.