📜  1update normalize-url - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:38:49.475000             🧑  作者: Mango

1update normalize-url - Javascript

Are you tired of dealing with inconsistent, malformed, or non-standardized URLs in your Javascript code? The normalize-url package is here to help simplify that.


normalize-url is a small, lightweight package that provides a simple and consistent way to parse and format URLs in your Javascript code. It can handle a wide range of input formats and can output URLs in a standardized format.


To use normalize-url in your project, you'll first need to install it. You can do this using NPM:

npm install normalize-url

Using normalize-url is straightforward. You just need to call the normalizeUrl function and pass in the URL you want to normalize:

const normalizeUrl = require('normalize-url');

const url = 'http://www.google.com:80/search?q=[[]]]foo|bar&baz=quux#blabla';
const normalizedUrl = normalizeUrl(url);

console.log(normalizedUrl); // "http://www.google.com/search?q=%5B%5B%5D%5D%5Dfoo%7Cbar&baz=quux#blabla"

You can pass in additional options to modify the behavior of normalize-url. For example, if you want to remove the protocol from the output URL, you can use the stripProtocol option:

const options = { stripProtocol: true };
const url = 'https://www.google.com';
const normalizedUrl = normalizeUrl(url, options);

console.log(normalizedUrl); // "www.google.com"

You can also use the forceHttps option to always output HTTPS URLs:

const options = { forceHttps: true };
const url = 'www.google.com';
const normalizedUrl = normalizeUrl(url, options);

console.log(normalizedUrl); // "https://www.google.com"

With normalize-url, you can simplify the handling of URLs in your Javascript code. The package is flexible, easy to use and can handle a wide range of input formats to output URLs in a standardized format.