📜  helperbird - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:31:07.351000             🧑  作者: Mango

Helperbird - Javascript

Helperbird is a browser extension that can help programmers by improving the readability and accessibility of web pages. It is designed to make web content more user-friendly for individuals with visual impairments, learning disabilities, and other reading difficulties.


Helperbird's features include:

  • Text-to-speech: Helperbird can read text on web pages aloud, making the content more accessible to individuals with visual impairments or learning disabilities.

  • Dyslexia-friendly options: The software offers a range of customizable options that can help individuals with dyslexia to read more easily, such as font size, color, and spacing.

  • Color blindness: Users with color blindness can also benefit from the software's customizable color settings, including the ability to adjust the saturation and brightness of web page content.

  • Focus mode: This mode helps reduce distractions on web pages by removing ads, sidebars, and other non-essential content.

  • Reading guides: Users can highlight lines of text to improve focus and readability.

  • Screen reading: Helperbird can also highlight and read individual words or paragraphs to aid in comprehension.

Example code

If you're a developer, you can easily integrate Helperbird functionality into your web applications. Here's an example code snippet in JavaScript that toggles Helperbird's text-to-speech functionality:

const toggleTextToSpeech = () => {
  const textToSpeechEnabled = Helperbird.textToSpeech.isEnabled();

In this code, we define a function that toggles Helperbird's text-to-speech functionality. We start by checking Helperbird's current text-to-speech state using the isEnabled() method. If text-to-speech is currently enabled, we toggle it off using toggle(). If it's currently disabled, we toggle it on by passing true as an argument to toggle().


Helperbird is a powerful tool for developers and users alike. With its customizable options and text-to-speech functionality, it can help make web content more accessible and readable for everyone. With a few lines of JavaScript, you can integrate Helperbird into your web applications and improve the user experience for your users.