📜  missingno python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:39.839000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introducing "Missingno" in Python

What is Missingno?

Missingno is a Python library for visualizing and dealing with missing data. It helps in identifying patterns and characteristics of missing data, which can be useful in data analysis and data cleaning.

Features of Missingno

Some of the key features of Missingno are:

  • Visualizing missing data patterns using matrix, bar and heat maps
  • Showing the correlation between missing data and other variables
  • Identifying the most affected features by missing data
  • Highlighting the distribution of missing values
  • Supporting Pandas DataFrame
How to Install Missingno

You can install Missingno using pip:

!pip install missingno
How to Use Missingno

To use Missingno, you need to first import it:

import missingno as msno
Visualizing Missing Data Patterns

To visualize the missing data patterns in a Pandas DataFrame, you can use the matrix() function:


This will show a matrix plot where the missing values are represented as white blocks.

Correlation with Missing Data

To understand the correlation between missing data and other variables, you can use the heatmap() function:


This will show a heatmap with the correlation between missing data and other variables.

Most Affected Features

To identify the most affected features by missing data, you can use the bar() function:


This will show a bar graph highlighting the most affected features.

Distribution of Missing Values

To highlight the distribution of missing values, you can use the dendrogram() function:


This will show a dendrogram where the missing blocks are grouped together based on their similarity.


Missingno is a powerful Python library for dealing with missing data. With its various features, it can help in identifying patterns and characteristics of missing data, which can be useful in data analysis and data cleaning.