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📜  Kristoffer von Hassel (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:02:33.322000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to Kristoffer von Hassel

Kristoffer von Hassel is a young American computer enthusiast who made headlines in 2014 for discovering a security flaw in Microsoft's Xbox One gaming console. At the time, he was only five years old.


Kristoffer von Hassel was born on November 13, 2009, in San Diego, California. He developed an interest in computers at a very young age and enjoyed learning about new technologies.

Xbox One Security Flaw

In March 2014, Kristoffer von Hassel discovered a security flaw in Microsoft's Xbox One gaming console. He found that he could bypass the console's password authentication by simply pressing the space bar a few times in the login screen. This allowed him to access his father's Xbox Live account and play games that were not age-appropriate for him.

Recognitions and Achievements

Kristoffer von Hassel's discovery earned him recognition from Microsoft, who awarded him a one-year Xbox Live Gold subscription, $50 USD, and four games. He was also listed in Microsoft's Security Researcher Acknowledgements page.

Kristoffer was invited to the White House by President Barack Obama in April 2014, where he participated in the annual White House Science Fair. He has also been featured in several news outlets and TV shows, including CNN, The Ellen Show, and NBC News.


Kristoffer von Hassel's passion for computers led him to make an important contribution to the field of cybersecurity at a very young age. He serves as an inspiration to young and aspiring programmers, and his story reminds us that anyone can make a valuable contribution to the tech industry with enough curiosity and perseverance.

# Introduction to Kristoffer von Hassel

Kristoffer von Hassel is a young American computer enthusiast who made headlines in 2014 for discovering a security flaw in Microsoft's Xbox One gaming console. At the time, he was only five years old.

## Background

Kristoffer von Hassel was born on November 13, 2009, in San Diego, California. He developed an interest in computers at a very young age and enjoyed learning about new technologies.

## Xbox One Security Flaw

In March 2014, Kristoffer von Hassel discovered a security flaw in Microsoft's Xbox One gaming console. He found that he could bypass the console's password authentication by simply pressing the space bar a few times in the login screen. This allowed him to access his father's Xbox Live account and play games that were not age-appropriate for him.

## Recognitions and Achievements

Kristoffer von Hassel's discovery earned him recognition from Microsoft, who awarded him a one-year Xbox Live Gold subscription, $50 USD, and four games. He was also listed in Microsoft's Security Researcher Acknowledgements page.

Kristoffer was invited to the White House by President Barack Obama in April 2014, where he participated in the annual White House Science Fair. He has also been featured in several news outlets and TV shows, including CNN, The Ellen Show, and NBC News.

## Conclusion

Kristoffer von Hassel's passion for computers led him to make an important contribution to the field of cybersecurity at a very young age. He serves as an inspiration to young and aspiring programmers, and his story reminds us that anyone can make a valuable contribution to the tech industry with enough curiosity and perseverance.