📜  React Rebass Forms Radio 组件(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:34:39.006000             🧑  作者: Mango

React Rebass Forms Radio Component

The React Rebass Forms Radio component is a customizable radio input component for React apps using Rebass Forms. This component can be used to create radio buttons that allow users to select a single option from a set of choices.


To install the React Rebass Forms Radio component in your React app, run the following command:

npm install --save rebass-forms-radio

To use the React Rebass Forms Radio component in your React app, import it and add it to your form as follows:

import React from 'react';
import { Flex, Box } from 'rebass';
import { Label, Radio } from '@rebass/forms';
import RadioInput from 'rebass-forms-radio';

const options = [
  { value: 'option1', label: 'Option 1' },
  { value: 'option2', label: 'Option 2' },
  { value: 'option3', label: 'Option 3' },

function App() {
  const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = React.useState('option1');

  const handleOptionChange = (event) => {

  return (
    <Flex flexDirection="column">
      <Label htmlFor="radio-options">Select an option:</Label>
        {options.map((option) => (
            isChecked={selectedOption === option.value}

export default App;

The React Rebass Forms Radio component accepts the following props:

| Prop name | Description | | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | id | The ID for the radio input element. Required. | | name | The name attribute for the radio input element. Required. | | value | The value attribute for the radio input element. Required. | | label | The label text for the radio input element. Required. | | isChecked| A boolean indicating whether the radio input element is currently checked. Required. | | onChange | The callback function to call when the radio input element is changed. Required. | | disabled | A boolean indicating whether the radio input element is disabled. Optional. Defaults to false. | | variant | The variant of the radio input element. Optional. Possible values include primary, secondary, and accent. |


The React Rebass Forms Radio component can be customized using Rebass theme styles. You can override the default styles by defining a custom theme, and passing that theme to the Rebass ThemeProvider component.

Here is an example custom theme that overrides the default styles for the Radio component:

import React from 'react';
import { Flex, Box } from 'rebass';
import { Label, Radio } from '@rebass/forms';
import RadioInput from 'rebass-forms-radio';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'emotion-theming';

const customTheme = {
  forms: {
    radio: {
      '&:checked': {
        bg: 'blue',
        borderColor: 'blue',
      '&:disabled': {
        opacity: 0.5,

const options = [
  { value: 'option1', label: 'Option 1' },
  { value: 'option2', label: 'Option 2' },
  { value: 'option3', label: 'Option 3' },

function App() {
  const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = React.useState('option1');

  const handleOptionChange = (event) => {

  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={customTheme}>
      <Flex flexDirection="column">
        <Label htmlFor="radio-options">Select an option:</Label>
          {options.map((option) => (
              isChecked={selectedOption === option.value}

export default App;

In this example, we define a custom theme that overrides the default styles for the Radio component when it is checked or disabled. We then pass this custom theme to the ThemeProvider component, which applies the custom styles to all Rebass components in the app.