贫困是指没有足够的钱来满足衣食住行的需要。印度每四分之一的人都是贫困人口,这意味着印度约有 2.6 亿人生活在贫困之中。这意味着它是世界上穷人的最大焦点,显示了挑战的严重性。
- 高于贫困线
- 低于贫困线
印度日益贫困的原因有很多。低增长率从英帝国主义一直持续到 19 世纪 80 年代。这导致工作机会减少,简历流入率降低。伴随着人口的高速增长。两者都与大幅降低人均收入增长率有关。有利可图的增长和人口监管方面的失败使贫困循环持续下去。
- 农村和大都市经济:农村和大都市的贫困在许多情况下有所不同。农村和都市文化之间的差异在他们的贫困剧本上有着不同的包袱。例如,由于生活成本较高,农村地区的穷人生存比大城市地区更可持续。
- 人口压力大:印度的人口随着年龄的增长而不断增加。在过去的 45 个时代,它以每年 2.2 的速度增长,这意味着该国每年新增人口约 170 万人。这导致对消费品的需求大幅增加。
- 缺乏教育:不是每个人都生活在没有上学的绝对贫困中。但是,生活在绝对贫困中的完美成年人没有接受过有素质的教育。而且,如果他们有孩子,他们可能会为他们做出贡献。世界各地有许多教育墙,缺乏制服和书籍的钱,或反对女孩教育的文化倾向。
- 缺乏适当的工业化:贫困的主要原因之一是畜牧业生产力低下。生产率低的原因是多方面的。这主要是由于土地货物分散和细分,缺乏资金,对畜牧业新方法的无知,使用规范的畜牧业方式,储存过程中的破坏等。
- 社会因素:在盈利和市场之外,相应地存在阻碍印度脱贫的社会代表。在这方面的一些限制是遗产法、种姓制度、一些传统等。
- 大规模迁移到城市:限制大都市的过度拥挤非常重要。这可以通过防止大规模迁移来实现,尤其是在大城市。完美的农村人离开了他们的村庄,因此转移到地铁寻找就业机会。然而,如果政府能够令人满意地扩大农村地区并毫不费力地提供分析应用程序作为对农村人口的启发性机会,他们将心满意足地四处走动并留在他们的村庄。这将降低城市贫困指标,并使大都市人口保持在受监管的状态。
- 众多离婚率和贫困女性化:社会中的女性性别应该得到同等的就业机会,以消除贫困女性化。相应地,众多的离婚率导致女性部分因性别不平等而无法支持自己的贫困。
- 饥饿
- 缺乏住所和衣服
- 贫穷就是身体不适,无法忍受看病。
- 无法送孩子上学。
- 缺乏固定工作
- 文盲
- 卫生条件差,缺乏干净的水。
- 无奈
印度获得独立后,人们理解印度减少贫困的行动,如 1950 年 Minhas 估计印度的贫困率、1960 年为印度设定的贫困线等等。在独立后最关键的时期,印度第三任总理英迪拉·甘地的总统将贫困视为“公共后果”。实现两个主要目标,消除贫困'加里比哈涛'和实现自力更生。 DD Dhar通过更好地衡量收入、更高的增长率推进和暗示农村部门的繁荣来适应并启动了第五个五年计划。
- 农村综合发展计划
- 贾瓦哈尔·罗兹加·约嘉纳
- Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
- 就业保障计划
- 以工换粮计划
- Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Grameen Awaas Yojana
- 国家社会援助计划 (NSAP)
问题 1:为什么创造就业计划对印度的扶贫很重要?
- The direct relation between employment and poverty alleviation: There is a close relationship between employment and poverty. If employment opportunities are created, more people will get employment, which will increase their income, thereby reducing poverty.
- Higher Standard of Living: With the increase in employment opportunities, income will increase and poor people will be able to enjoy a higher standard of living and greater access to education, health facilities, proper sanitation, etc.
问题 2:讨论印度贫困的主要原因。
- Illiteracy: The rate of illiteracy was very high in independent India just after independence. The reason for this was that the British did not spend equally on education and discouraged educational reforms. Over the years, the literacy rate has increased, but still, around 30 percent of Indians are illiterate, so they find it difficult to engage in well-played economic activities and thus remain poor.
- Unemployment: It is the second major cause of poverty. Those who do not get work, sit idle. Unemployment is basically due to the unavailability of education which plays an important role in the social and economic development of the individual.
- Inequalities of Incomes: Unequal distribution of income is another cause of poverty. Money is given in the hands of some people and then they distribute it. One of the main reasons for this is the uneven distribution of land and other resources. Despite several policies, we have not been able to tackle this issue in a meaningful way. Land reforms aimed at redistributing wealth in rural areas have not been implemented properly.
- Slow Growth of Employment Opportunities: There has been a slow growth of employment opportunities, especially in the industrial sectors. On the other hand, the population is increasing day by day leading to the growth of labor without adequate employment opportunities. Failure on both fronts: the promotion of economic growth and population control have perpetuated the cycle of poverty.
问题 3:确定印度最容易陷入贫困的社会和经济群体。
Groups vulnerable to poverty can be divided into two groups:
- Social groups vulnerable to poverty
- Economic groups vulnerable to poverty
- 29% of scheduled castes are poor and 43% of scheduled tribes are not able to meet their basic needs and come under social groups vulnerable to poverty.
- The rural agricultural labor households and the urban casual labor households are the most vulnerable groups among the economic groups vulnerable to poverty
问题 4:请说明印度的州际贫困不平等。
In India, one of the aspects of poverty is inter-state inequalities. There are different amounts of poor people in every state. Although state-level poverty has shown a steady decline since the early seventies, success rates vary from state to state, some of the facts relating to inter-state inequalities of poverty.
- Significant decline in poverty has been observed in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and West Bengal, Tamil Nadu.
- In Orissa and Bihar, poverty is still a serious issue and these states have the highest poverty ratios in the country.
- The percentage of urban poverty is also very high in states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
- The inequality is due to the changing social and political scenarios of different states.
- Factors such as success in population control, availability of resources, and tourist destinations have also led to this disparity as all these factors are variable.