Poverty is defined as a state or circumstance in which an individual or a group lacks the financial means and necessities for a basic level of living. It can also be defined as a situation in which one’s earnings from work are insufficient to meet fundamental human requirements.
2011 年,21.9% 的印度人口生活在国家贫困线以下。
- 贫困的两个主要方面是饥饿和缺乏住所。
- 贫困是一个人几乎没有基本生活必需品的情况。当父母无法送孩子上学或个人或家庭负担不起医疗设施的情况时
- 缺乏清洁水和卫生设施也是贫困的条件之一。
- 缺乏正常工作来赚取或过着有基本生活必需品的正常生活。
- 绝对贫困:当一个家庭的收入低于维持基本生活标准(食物、住所、住房)所需的金额时。这种情况允许进行跨国家和跨时间的比较。
- 相对贫困:从社会角度定义为低于周边人口经济水平的生活水平。因此,它是衡量收入差异的指标。
- 印度的人口多年来一直在不断增加。在过去的 45 年里,它以每年 2.2% 的速度增长,这意味着该国每年新增人口约 1700 万人。这对消费品的需求产生了重大影响。
- 农业生产力低下:农业部门的低生产力是贫困的主要来源。生产力低下可能是由多种因素造成的。
- 这主要是由于分散和细分的土地所有权、缺乏现金、对现代农业技术的无知、使用传统耕作方式、储存过程中的损失以及其他因素。
- 资源利用不足:该国面临就业不足和隐性失业问题,尤其是在农业部门。随之而来的是农业生产力低下和生活水平下降。
- 经济发展缓慢:印度的经济发展一直缓慢,特别是在 1991 年液化石油气改革之前的前 40 年独立。
- 物价持续上涨:国家物价持续上涨,加重了穷人的负担。虽然少数人获利,但低收入群体却因此受苦,连最基本的需求都无法满足。
- 失业是导致印度贫困的另一个因素。随着世界人口的增长,寻找工作的人数也在增加。然而,可能性的增加不足以满足工作需求。
- 社会问题:除了经济问题,社会因素也阻碍了印度的消除贫困工作。继承法、种姓制度和某些习俗,仅举几例,都是这方面的障碍。
问题 1:定义大规模贫困?给出贫困的两个维度?
When a large section of society in an economy has lack of basic necessities of life then It is termed as Mass Poverty. Two dimensions of Poverty are : Hunger and Lack of shelter.
问题 2:哪组贫困对印度的影响最大?
There are some Social and Economic Groups of society which are most vulnerable to poverty, that are:
- Social groups are most vulnerable to the poorer people of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes .
- Economic group of society are most vulnerable to poverty are the people who are agricultural laborers and casual laborers as well as the backward class people , physically and mentally challenged people .
问题 3:旁遮普邦和喀拉拉邦减少贫困的因素是什么?
The factors responsible for the reduction of Poverty in Punjab are,
- In Punjab main factor is high agricultural growth that has led to reduction of Poverty .
- In Kerala They have worked on human resource development , or invested in human capital .
- Head count ratio is the proportion of population that lives below the poverty line or hardly the people who get access to the basic facilities to survive .
- Economic growth is defines as an increase in production real output of the country .
The colonial government responsible for the under development of agricultural area in India because under their control India’s agriculture remains fundamentally agrarian , more than 85 % of the country’s population was dependent on agriculture and lived in villages , As there is no proper resources for the development of agriculture , small farmers tend to borrow money for seeds , fertilisers and pesticides etc and later on failed to return the borrow amount that leads to high level of indebtedness and cause of poverty.