收入或消费水平是用于评估印度贫困的典型指标,如果收入或消费低于某个最低水平,则该家庭被认为低于贫困线 (BPL)。
- 贫困线计算:印度的贫困评估目前由 NITI Aayog 工作组使用国家统计局下属的国家抽样调查办公室收集的数据来计算贫困线 (MOSPI)。
- 以前负责制定印度贫困线的计划委员会已被 NITI Aayog 取代,成为政策智囊团。
- 消费者与收入水平:在印度,贫困线是根据消费支出而不是收入水平计算的,原因如下:
- 收入变化:个体经营者、日薪劳动者等的收入在时间和空间上变化很大,但消费模式相当一致。
- 额外收入:即使是正常工资的工人,也经常有额外的收入,这可能很难计算。
- 数据收集:在基于消费的贫困线的情况下,基于样本的调查采用一个参考期(例如 30 天),在该参考期中询问家庭过去 30 天的消费情况,然后用于反映一般消费.追踪收入的主要趋势是不可行的。参考期是指 NSSO 工作人员进行调查并询问有关房屋的具体问题的时间范围。
In India, the method commonly used to estimate poverty is through the measurement of income and consumption levels. If a personal income level falls below a minimum level that fails to meet his/her basic needs then he/she is considered being poor. This minimum level of basic necessities is known as the poverty line.
- 收入波动:日薪工、合同工等,这些工人的收入有所不同,因为这取决于工作的可用性和他们提供的收入,尽管消费模式相对稳定
- 额外收入:日薪工人或合同工不依赖单一收入,否则他们将有其他收入来源。会有其他工作可以赚取他们的工资,这将很难考虑
- 数据收集:在估算住户的消费水平时,抽样调查使用 30 天的参考期,并以一般消费模式作为追踪,因为收入追踪模式是不可能的。
问题 1:什么是 Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMJY)?
This yojana was launched in 2000 with central assistance given to states. Its aim is to provide basic services such as primary health, primary education, rural shelter, rural drinking water, and rural electrification to all the poorer people of rural areas.
问题 2:穷人中的穷人是什么意思?
There are inequality of income with in the family apart from social groups. In the poor families, people suffer but some of the family member suffer ore than others such as women, elderly people and female infants (especially girls child). They are systematically denied to equal access of resources available to family. Hence these members of the family are the poorest of poor.
The principal measure taken in West Bengal to reduce poverty is land reforms as they helped in the reduction of poverty.
Operation Barga has started which encourages and protects the interest of sharecroppers and prevents them from the exploitation of landowners.
问题 4:将殖民统治解释为贫困的原因?
This is one of the most important causes of poverty in India as the British colonial government has reformed the policies to increase their economic growth which result in a decline of economic growth of India, This government have also ruined the Indian traditional handicrafts industry and discouraged the development of industries like textile and cottage.
National Rural Employment Act was enacted in the year 2005. Its characteristics are,
- Assured employment of 100 days every year to selected number of rural houses.
- Reservation of job for women in one – third proportion.