📜  Scrapy – 物品加载器

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:49.152000             🧑  作者: Mango

Scrapy – 物品加载器

在本文中,我们将讨论Scrapy 中的项目加载器

Scrapy 用于提取数据,使用蜘蛛,爬过网站。获取的数据也可以以Scrapy Items的形式进行处理。在填充项目字段之前,项目加载器在解析数据方面发挥着重要作用。在本文中,我们将了解项目加载器。

安装 Scrapy:

Scrapy,需要Python版本 3.6 及以上。使用 pip 命令在终端安装它,如下所示:

pip install Scrapy  

此命令将在您的环境中安装 Scrapy 库。现在,我们可以创建一个 Scrapy 项目,来编写Python Spider 代码。

创建一个 Scrapy Spider 项目

Scrapy 带有一个高效的命令行工具,称为 Scrapy 工具。这些命令根据其用途具有一组不同的参数。为了编写 Spider 代码,我们首先创建一个 Scrapy 项目。在终端使用以下“startproject”命令——

scrapy startproject gfg_itemloaders

此命令将创建一个名为“gfg_itemloaders”的文件夹。现在,将目录更改为同一文件夹,如下所示 –

使用 'startproject' 命令创建 Scrapy 项目



它有一个scrapy.cfg 文件,它是项目配置文件。包含此文件的文件夹称为根目录。该目录下,还有 items.py 、 middleware.py 等设置文件,如下图——


用于抓取的蜘蛛文件将在“蜘蛛”文件夹中创建。我们将在 items.py 文件中提及我们的 Scrapy 项目和相关的加载器逻辑。暂时保留文件的内容。使用 'genspider' 命令,创建一个蜘蛛代码文件。

命令,在终端,如下所示 -

使用 'genspider' 命令创建蜘蛛文件

使用 Scrapy 项目提取数据

我们将从女性小说网页上抓取书名和书价。 Scrapy,允许使用选择器来编写提取代码。可以使用遍历整个 HTML 页面的 CSS 或 XPath 表达式来编写它们,以获取我们想要的数据。抓取的主要目标是从非结构化来源获取结构化数据。通常 Scrapy 蜘蛛会在Python字典对象中产生数据。该方法是有益的,数据量很小。但是,随着数据的增加,复杂性也会增加。此外,可能需要在我们存储内容之前将数据处理为任何文件格式。这就是 Scrapy Items 派上用场的地方。它们允许使用项目加载器处理数据。让我们为 Book Title 和 Price 编写 Scrapy Item,以及 XPath 表达式。

'items.py' 文件,提到属性,我们需要抓取。


# Define here the models for your scraped item
import scrapy
# Item class name for the book title and price
class GfgItemloadersItem(scrapy.Item):
    # Scrape Book price
    price = scrapy.Field()
    # Scrape Book Title
    title = scrapy.Field()

# Import Scrapy library
import scrapy
# Import Item class
from ..items import GfgItemloadersItem
# Spider class name
class GfgLoadbookdataSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # Name of the spider
    name = 'gfg_loadbookdata'
    # The domain to be scraped
    allowed_domains = [
    # The URL to be scraped
    start_urls = [
    # Default parse callback method
    def parse(self, response):
        # Create an object of Item class
        item = GfgItemloadersItem()
        # loop through all books
        for books in response.xpath('//*[@class="product_pod"]'):
            # XPath expression for the book price
            price = books.xpath(
            # place price value in item key
            item['price'] = price
            # XPath expression for the book title
            title = books.xpath('.//h3/a/text()').extract()
            # place title value in item key
            item['title'] = title
            # yield the item
            yield item

# Import the processor
from itemloaders.processors import Identity
# Create object of Identity processor
proc = Identity()
# Assign values and print result

# import the processor module
from itemloaders.processors import TakeFirst
# Create object of TakeFirst processor
proc = TakeFirst()
# assign values and print the result
print(proc(['', 'star','moon','galaxy']))

# Import the processor module
from itemloaders.processors import Compose
# Create an object of Compose processor and pass values
proc = Compose(lambda v: v[0], str.upper)
# Assign values and print result
print(proc(['hi', 'there']))

# Import MapCompose processor
from itemloaders.processors import MapCompose
# custom function to filter star
def filter_star(x):
    # return None if 'star' is present
    return None if x == 'star' else x
# Assign the functions to MapCompose
proc = MapCompose(filter_star, str.upper)
# pass arguments and print result
print(proc(['twinkle', 'little', 'star','wonder', 'they']))

# Import required processors
from itemloaders.processors import Join
# Put separator 
while creating Join() object proc = Join('')   # pass the values and print result print(proc(['Sky', 'Moon','Stars']))

# Import the class
from itemloaders.processors import SelectJmes
# prepare object of SelectJmes
proc = SelectJmes("hello")
# Print the output of json path
print(proc({'hello': 'scrapy'}))

# Create loader object
loader = ItemLoader(item=Item())
# Item loader method for phoneno,
# mention the field name and xpath expression
                 '//footer/a[@class = "phoneno"]/@href')
# Item loader method for map,
# mention the field name and xpath expression
                 '//footer/a[@class = "map"]/@href')
# populate the item

# Define Item Loader object by passing item
loader = ItemLoader(item=Item())
# Create nested loader with footer selector
footer_loader = loader.nested_xpath('//footer')
# Add phoneno xpath values relative to the footer
footer_loader.add_xpath('phoneno', 'a[@class = "phoneno"]/@href')
# Add map xpath values relative to the footer
footer_loader.add_xpath('map', 'a[@class = "map"]/@href')
# Call loader.load_item() to populate values

# Import the MapCompose built-in processor
from itemloaders.processors import MapCompose
# Import the existing BookLoader
# Item loader used for scraping book data
from myproject.ItemLoaders import BookLoader
# Custom function to remove the '*'
def strip_asterisk(x):
    return x.strip('*')
# Extend and reuse the existing BookLoader class
class SiteSpecificLoader(BookLoader):
    authorname = MapCompose(strip_asterisk,

# Import the Item Loader class
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
# Import the processors
from scrapy.loader.processors import TakeFirst, MapCompose, Join
# Extend the ItemLoader class
class BookLoader(ItemLoader):
    # Mention the default output processor
    default_output_processor = Takefirst()
    # Input processor for book name
    book_name_in = MapCompose(unicode.title)
    # Output processor for book name
    book_name_out = Join()
    # Input processor for book price
    book_price_in = MapCompose(unicode.strip)

# Define here the models for your scraped items
# import Scrapy library
import scrapy
# import itemloader methods
from itemloaders.processors import TakeFirst, MapCompose
# import remove_tags method to remove all tags present
# in the response
from w3lib.html import remove_tags
# custom method to replace '&' with 'AND'
# in book title
def replace_and_sign(value):
    # python replace method to replace '&' operator
    # with 'AND'
    return value.replace('&', ' AND ')
# custom method to remove the pound currency sign from
# book price
def remove_pound_sign(value):
    # for pound press Alt + 0163
    # python replace method to replace '£' with a blank
    return value.replace('£', '').strip()
# Item class to define all the Item fields - book title
# and price
class GfgItemloadersItem(scrapy.Item):
    # Assign the input and output processor for book price field
    price = scrapy.Field(input_processor=MapCompose(
        remove_tags, remove_pound_sign), output_processor=TakeFirst())
    # Assign the input and output processor for book title field
    title = scrapy.Field(input_processor=MapCompose(
        remove_tags, replace_and_sign), output_processor=TakeFirst())

# Import the required Scrapy library
import scrapy
# Import the Item Loader library
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
# Import the items class from 'items.py' file
from ..items import GfgItemloadersItem
# Spider class having Item loader
class GfgLoadbookdataSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # Name of the spider
    name = 'gfg_loadbookdata'
    # The domain  to be scraped
    allowed_domains = [
    # The webpage to be scraped
    start_urls = [
    # Default callback method used by the spider
    # Data in the response will be processed here
    def parse(self, response):
      # Loop through all the books using XPath expression
        for books in response.xpath('//*[@class="product_pod"]'):
            # Define Item Loader object,
            # by passing item and selector attribute
            loader = ItemLoader(item=GfgItemloadersItem(), selector=books)
            # Item loader method add_xpath(),for price,
            # mention the field name and xpath expression
            loader.add_xpath('price', './/*[@class="product_price"]/p/text()')
            # Item loader method add_xpath(),
            # for title, mention the field name
            # and xpath expression
            loader.add_xpath('title', './/h3/a/@title')
            # use the load_item method of
            # loader to populate the parsed items
            yield loader.load_item()

我们将在 Spider 中创建上述 Item 类的对象,并产生相同的结果。蜘蛛代码文件将如下所示:


# Import Scrapy library
import scrapy
# Import Item class
from ..items import GfgItemloadersItem
# Spider class name
class GfgLoadbookdataSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # Name of the spider
    name = 'gfg_loadbookdata'
    # The domain to be scraped
    allowed_domains = [
    # The URL to be scraped
    start_urls = [
    # Default parse callback method
    def parse(self, response):
        # Create an object of Item class
        item = GfgItemloadersItem()
        # loop through all books
        for books in response.xpath('//*[@class="product_pod"]'):
            # XPath expression for the book price
            price = books.xpath(
            # place price value in item key
            item['price'] = price
            # XPath expression for the book title
            title = books.xpath('.//h3/a/text()').extract()
            # place title value in item key
            item['title'] = title
            # yield the item
            yield item







到目前为止,我们知道,Item Loaders 用于在填充 Item 字段之前解析数据。让我们了解一下,Item Loaders 是如何工作的——


现在,让我们了解内置处理器,以及我们将在项目加载器中使用的方法、实现。 Scrapy,有六个内置处理器。让我们知道他们——



# Import the processor
from itemloaders.processors import Identity
# Create object of Identity processor
proc = Identity()
# Assign values and print result





# import the processor module
from itemloaders.processors import TakeFirst
# Create object of TakeFirst processor
proc = TakeFirst()
# assign values and print the result
print(proc(['', 'star','moon','galaxy']))



Compose():这需要数据,并将其传递给函数,存在于参数中。如果参数中存在多个函数, 则将前一个函数的结果传递给下一个。这将继续,直到执行最后一个函数,并接收到输出。


# Import the processor module
from itemloaders.processors import Compose
# Create an object of Compose processor and pass values
proc = Compose(lambda v: v[0], str.upper)
# Assign values and print result
print(proc(['hi', 'there']))



MapCompose():此处理器的工作方式类似于 Compose。它可以在参数中具有多个功能。在这里,输入值被迭代,第一个函数,被应用于所有这些,产生一个新的可迭代对象。这个新的可迭代对象现在被传递给第二个函数,in 参数,依此类推。这主要用作输入处理器。


# Import MapCompose processor
from itemloaders.processors import MapCompose
# custom function to filter star
def filter_star(x):
    # return None if 'star' is present
    return None if x == 'star' else x
# Assign the functions to MapCompose
proc = MapCompose(filter_star, str.upper)
# pass arguments and print result
print(proc(['twinkle', 'little', 'star','wonder', 'they']))



Join():这个处理器,返回连接在一起的值。要放置表达式,在每一项之间,可以使用分隔符,默认为'u'。在下面的示例中,我们使用 作为分隔符:


SelectJmes():该处理器使用给定的 JSON 路径查询值并返回输出。


在这个例子中,我们使用了 TakeFirst() 和 MapCompose() 处理器。当项目加载器函数(如 add_xpath() 和其他函数)被执行时,处理器对抓取的数据进行操作。最常用的加载器函数是——

可以使用任何上述加载程序方法。在本文中,我们使用了 XPath 表达式来抓取数据,因此使用了 loader 的 add_xpath() 方法。在 Scrapy 配置中,存在 processor.py 文件,我们可以从中导入所有提到的处理器。


通过实例化 ItemLoader 类,我们获得了一个项目加载器对象。 Scrapy 库中的 ItemLoader 类是 scrapy.loader.ItemLoader。 ItemLoader 对象创建的参数是 –

  • item –这是 Item 类,通过调用 add_xpath()、add_css() 或 add_value() 方法来填充。
  • 选择器——它是 CSS 或 XPath 表达式选择器,用于从网站获取要抓取的数据。
  • response –使用 default_selector_class,用于准备一个选择器。

以下是 ItemLoader 对象可用的方法:

Sr. NoMethodDescription

The value, is processed by the mentioned processor, and, keyword arguments. The keyword argument parameter can be :

 ‘re’ , A regular expression to use, for getting data, from the given value, applied before processor.

2add_value(fieldname,*processors, **kwargs)Process, and, then add the given value, for the field given. Here, value is first passed, through the get_value(), by giving the processor and kwargs. It is then passed, through the field input processor. The result is appended, to the data collected, for that field. If field, already contains data, then, new data is added. The field name can have None value as well. Here, multiple values can be added, in the form of dictionary objects.
3replace_value(fieldname, *processors, **kwargs)This method, replaces the collected value with new value, instead of adding it.
4get_xpath( xpath,*processors, **kwargs)

This method receives an XPath expression. This expression, is used to get a list of Unicode strings, from the selector, which is related, to the ItemLoader. This method, is similar to ItemLoader.get_value().  The parameters, to this method are –

xpath – the XPath expression to extract data from webpage

re – A regular expression string, or, a pattern to get data from the XPAth region.

5add_xpath(xpath,*processors, **kwargs)

This method, receives an XPAth expression, that is used to select, a list of strings, from the selector, related with the ItemLoader. It is similar to ItemLoader.add_value(). Parameter is –

xpath – The XPAth expression to extract data from.

6replace_xpath(fieldname, xpath,*processors,**kwargs)Instead of, adding the extracted data, this method, replaces the collected data. 
7get_css(css, *processors, **kwargs)

This method, receives a CSS selector, and, not a value, which is then used to get a list of Unicode strings, from the selector, associated with the ItemLoader. The parameters can be –

css – The string selector to get data from

re – A regular expression string or a pattern to get data from the CSS region.

8add_css(fieldname, css, *processors, **kwargs)

This method, adds a CSS selector, to the field. It is similar to add_value(), but, receives a CSS selector. Parameter is –

css – A string CSS selector to extract data from

9replace_css(fieldname, css, *processors, **kwargs)Instead of, adding collected data, this method replaces it, using the CSS selector.
10load_item()This method, is used to populate, the item received so far, and return it. The data, is first passed through, the output_processors, so that the final value, is assigned to each field.
11nested_css(css, **context)Using CSS selector, this method is used to create nested selectors. The CSS supplied, is applied relative, to the selector, associated to the ItemLoader.
12nested_xpath(xpath)Using XPath selector, create a nested loader. The XPAth supplied, is applied relative, to the selector associated to the ItemLoader.


当我们从文档的子部分解析相关的值时,嵌套加载器很有用。如果没有它们,我们需要提及我们想要提取的数据的整个 XPath 或 CSS 路径。考虑以下 HTML 页脚示例 -


# Create loader object
loader = ItemLoader(item=Item())
# Item loader method for phoneno,
# mention the field name and xpath expression
                 '//footer/a[@class = "phoneno"]/@href')
# Item loader method for map,
# mention the field name and xpath expression
                 '//footer/a[@class = "map"]/@href')
# populate the item



# Define Item Loader object by passing item
loader = ItemLoader(item=Item())
# Create nested loader with footer selector
footer_loader = loader.nested_xpath('//footer')
# Add phoneno xpath values relative to the footer
footer_loader.add_xpath('phoneno', 'a[@class = "phoneno"]/@href')
# Add map xpath values relative to the footer
footer_loader.add_xpath('map', 'a[@class = "map"]/@href')
# Call loader.load_item() to populate values


  • 它们与 CSS 和 XPath 选择器一起使用。
  • 它们可以随机嵌套。
  • 它们可以使代码看起来更简单。
    • 不要不必要地使用它们,否则解析器会变得难以阅读。


随着项目的增长,以及为数据抓取而编写的蜘蛛程序的数量,维护变得困难。此外,每个其他蜘蛛的解析规则可能会改变。为简化维护,解析,Item Loaders 支持,常规Python继承,处理差异,存在于一组蜘蛛中。让我们看一个例子,扩展加载器可能会带来好处。



# Import the MapCompose built-in processor
from itemloaders.processors import MapCompose
# Import the existing BookLoader
# Item loader used for scraping book data
from myproject.ItemLoaders import BookLoader
# Custom function to remove the '*'
def strip_asterisk(x):
    return x.strip('*')
# Extend and reuse the existing BookLoader class
class SiteSpecificLoader(BookLoader):
    authorname = MapCompose(strip_asterisk,

在上面的代码中,BookLoader 是一个父类,对于 SiteSpecificLoader 类。通过重用现有的加载器,我们在新的加载器类中只添加了带“*”的功能。




# Import the Item Loader class
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
# Import the processors
from scrapy.loader.processors import TakeFirst, MapCompose, Join
# Extend the ItemLoader class
class BookLoader(ItemLoader):
    # Mention the default output processor
    default_output_processor = Takefirst()
    # Input processor for book name
    book_name_in = MapCompose(unicode.title)
    # Output processor for book name
    book_name_out = Join()
    # Input processor for book price
    book_price_in = MapCompose(unicode.strip)


  • BookLoader 类扩展了 ItemLoader。
  • book_name_in 有一个 MapCompose 实例,定义了函数unicode.title,它将应用于 book_name 项。
  • book_name_out 被定义为 Join() 类实例。
  • book_price_in 有一个 MapCompose 实例,具有定义的函数unicode.strip,它将应用于 book_price 项目。






# Import the required Scrapy library
import scrapy
# Import the Item Loader library
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
# Import the items class from 'items.py' file
from ..items import GfgItemloadersItem
# Spider class having Item loader
class GfgLoadbookdataSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # Name of the spider
    name = 'gfg_loadbookdata'
    # The domain  to be scraped
    allowed_domains = [
    # The webpage to be scraped
    start_urls = [
    # Default callback method used by the spider
    # Data in the response will be processed here
    def parse(self, response):
      # Loop through all the books using XPath expression
        for books in response.xpath('//*[@class="product_pod"]'):
            # Define Item Loader object,
            # by passing item and selector attribute
            loader = ItemLoader(item=GfgItemloadersItem(), selector=books)
            # Item loader method add_xpath(),for price,
            # mention the field name and xpath expression
            loader.add_xpath('price', './/*[@class="product_price"]/p/text()')
            # Item loader method add_xpath(),
            # for title, mention the field name
            # and xpath expression
            loader.add_xpath('title', './/h3/a/@title')
            # use the load_item method of
            # loader to populate the parsed items
            yield loader.load_item()

我们可以运行,并将数据保存在 JSON 文件中,使用 scrapy 'crawl' 命令使用语法 scrapy crawl spider_name as –

上面的命令将抓取数据,解析数据,这意味着井号不会出现,并且“&”运算符将被替换为“AND”。 parsed_bookdata.json 文件创建如下:

使用 Item Loaders 解析的 JSON 输出文件