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📜  教资会网络 | UGC NET CS 2014 年 12 月 – III |问题 18

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教资会网络 | UGC NET CS 2014 年 12 月 – III |问题 18


List – IList – II
(a)Cavalier Projection(i)The direction of projection is chosen so that there is no foreshortening of lines perpendicular to the xy plane.
(b) Cabinet Projection(ii) The direction of projection is chosen so that lines perpendicular to the xy planes are foreshortened by half their lengths.
(c) Isometric Projection(iii) The direction of projection makes equal angles with all of the principal axis.
(d) Orthographic Projection(iv) Projections are characterized by the fact that the direction of projection is perpendicular to the view plane.



(一) (一)
(乙) (乙)
(三) (三)
(D) (D)答案: (D)

  • Cavalier 投影中 - 选择投影方向,以便垂直于 xy 平面的线不会缩短。
  • In Cabinet Projection – 选择投影方向,使垂直于 xy 平面的线缩短一半长度。
  • 在等轴测投影中 - 投影方向与所有主轴成相等的角度。
  • 正交投影中 – 投影的特点是投影方向垂直于视图平面。
