求前 10 个偶数的中位数
- 老师收集学生的分数,按升序或降序排列,计算班级平均分,或找出不及格的学生人数,通知他们,让他们开始努力。
- 政府官员为人口普查收集数据,并将其与以前的记录进行比较,以了解人口增长是否得到控制。
- 分析一个国家特定宗教的信徒数量。
- 算术平均值:也称为平均值,给定数据集的算术平均值是通过将数据中的数字相加并将如此获得的总和除以观察次数来计算的。
- 中位数:将一组给定统计数据的较高值和较低值分开的值称为中位数。
- 众数:在给定的一系列统计数据中出现频率最高的值称为众数。
- 标准偏差:表示统计系列的某些值与其平均值或中位数趋于变化或分散的程度的值称为标准偏差。
- 范围:这样的值描述了系列中最高值和最低值之间的差异。
- 相关性:这种有助于研究两个变量之间关系的统计工具称为相关性。
示例 1:奇数的中位数。
Let there be a data set: {7, 24, 12, 44, 35, 20, 2}.
It needs to be sorted into ascending order first: {2, 7, 12, 20, 24, 35, 44}.
As we can observe, the number of terms in the given set of data is odd, and that the observation which divides the whole set into two equal parts is called the median.
Here, 20 divides the sorted data set in two parts containing 3 numbers each, numbers lesser than 20 above it and those bigger that it, below it.
Hence, the median of the given data set is 20.
示例 2:偶数数量
Let there be a data set: {7, 24, 12, 44, 56, 35, 20, 2}.
It needs to be sorted into ascending order first: {2, 7, 12, 20, 24, 35, 44, 56}.
As we can observe, the number of terms in the given set of data is even, and the two observations that lie in the middle are 12 and 20, since they divide the rest of the set with three numbers each.
Now, Median = (12+20) / 2
= 32 / 2
= 16
Hence, the median of the given data set is 16.
- 中位数的计算不涉及大量的数学或统计知识。甚至不熟悉数学复杂性的人也可以很容易地计算出来。
- 中位数本身就是对集中趋势的明确度量。
- 与算术平均值不同,中位数可以很容易地在图表上表示,使其更容易理解。
- 中位数也可用于定性属性的研究或分析,与算术平均值不同,算术平均值仅考虑定量方面。
- 中位数也可用于计算均值偏差(来自均值或中值)。
- 中位数不受数据集中最高或最低值的影响。
- 当项目数量很大时,将统计数据按升序或降序排列是一个繁琐的过程。
- 事实上,如果数据集中的项数是偶数,中值确实取决于算术平均值,因此会产生不合适的结果,因为平均值会受到数量的影响。
- 如果数据集是分数或百分比,则不能相信中位数是最佳度量。
- 由于它不依赖于所有项目,因此不能被视为适当的代表。
求前 10 个偶数的中位数
The first 10 even numbers in ascending order are: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20}.
As we can observe, the number of terms in the given set of data is even, and the two observations which divide the series into two equal parts are 10 and 12.
Median = (10+12) / 2
= 22 / 2
= 11
Hence the median of the first 10 even numbers is 11.
问题 1:1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10 的中位数是多少?
Given: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Clearly the number of terms is even, and the two numbers that separate the whole set are 5 and 6.
Median = (5+6) / 2
= 11/ 2
= 5.5
Hence the median of the series is 5.5.
We are required to calculate the median for: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Clearly the number of terms is even, and the two numbers that separate the whole set are 4 and 5.
Median = (4+5) / 2
= 8 / 2
= 4.5
Hence the median of the series is 4.5
问题 3:11 名学生的考试成绩分别为:7、18、121、51、101、81、1、19、9、11、16。求中位数。
The data set in ascending order: 1, 7, 9, 11, 16, 18, 19, 51, 81, 101, 121.
Since the number of terms is odd and 18 divides the series into two equal parts.
Hence the median of the data set is 18.
问题 4:求中位数:27、39、49、20、21、28、38。
The data set in ascending order: 20, 21, 27, 28, 38, 39, 49.
Since the number of terms is odd and 28 divides the set into two equal parts.
Hence, the median of the given series is 28.
问题 5:如果 25 是中位数,则求以下 x 的值。
17、x、24、x + 7、35、36、46。
As we can see, the number of terms in the data set is odd. Also, x + 7 is the observation which divides the whole series into two equal parts.
Hence, Median = x + 7 = 25
⇒ x = 25 – 7
⇒ x = 18