您会得到n对数字。在每对中,第一个数字始终小于第二个数字。如果b 例子: 在上一篇文章中,我们讨论了关于最大长度成对链的问题。但是,该帖子仅涉及与找到最大大小链的长度有关的代码,但与最大大小链的构造无关。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论如何构造对的最大长度链。 想法是首先按照给定的对的第一个元素的升序对它们进行排序。令arr [0..n-1]为排序后的输入对数组。我们定义向量L,使得L [i]本身就是一个向量,该向量存储以arr [i]结尾的arr [0..i]对的最大长度链。因此,对于索引i,L [i]可以递归写为– 例如,对于(5,24),(39、60),(15、28),(27、40),(50、90) 请注意,对的排序已完成,因为我们需要找到最大的对长度,此处的排序无关紧要。如果我们不排序,我们将获得升序排列的对,但它们将不是最大可能的对。 以下是上述想法的实现– 输出: 上述动态编程解决方案的时间复杂度为O(n 2 ),其中n是对的数量。Input: (5, 24), (39, 60), (15, 28), (27, 40), (50, 90)
Output: (5, 24), (27, 40), (50, 90)
Input: (11, 20), {10, 40), (45, 60), (39, 40)
Output: (11, 20), (39, 40), (45, 60)
L[0] = {arr[0]}
L[i] = {Max(L[j])} + arr[i] where j < i and arr[j].b < arr[i].a
= arr[i], if there is no such j
L[0]: (5, 24)
L[1]: (5, 24) (39, 60)
L[2]: (15, 28)
L[3]: (5, 24) (27, 40)
L[4]: (5, 24) (27, 40) (50, 90)
/* Dynamic Programming solution to construct
Maximum Length Chain of Pairs */
# Dynamic Programming solution to construct
# Maximum Length Chain of Pairs
class Pair:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.a < other.a
def maxChainLength(arr):
# Function to construct
# Maximum Length Chain of Pairs
# Sort by start time
# L[i] stores maximum length of chain of
# arr[0..i] that ends with arr[i].
L = [[] for x in range(len(arr))]
# L[0] is equal to arr[0]
# start from index 1
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
# for every j less than i
for j in range(i):
# L[i] = {Max(L[j])} + arr[i]
# where j < i and arr[j].b < arr[i].a
if (arr[j].b < arr[i].a and
len(L[j]) > len(L[i])):
L[i] = L[j]
# print max length vector
maxChain = []
for x in L:
if len(x) > len(maxChain):
maxChain = x
for pair in maxChain:
print("({a},{b})".format(a = pair.a,
b = pair.b),
end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
arr = [Pair(5, 29), Pair(39, 40),
Pair(15, 28), Pair(27, 40),
Pair(50, 90)]
n = len(arr)
# This code is contributed
# by vibhu4agarwal
(5, 29) (39, 40) (50, 90)
该程序使用的辅助空间为O(n 2 )。