Device Type | min-width in px |
Small Devices like mobiles | 576px |
Medium Devices like tablets | 768px |
Large devices like Desktops | 992px |
Very large or Extra large devices like large desktops | 1200px |
Column 1
HTML stands for HyperText Markup
Language. It is used to design
web pages using a markup language.
HTML is the combination of
Hypertext and Markup language.
Hypertext defines the link between
the web pages. A markup language
is used to define the text document
within tag which defines the
structure of web pages. HTML is a
markup language that is used by
the browser to manipulate text,
images, and other content to
display it in the required format.
Column 2
The term PHP is an acronym for PHP:
Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a
server-side scripting language
designed specifically for web
development. PHP can be easily
embedded in HTML files and HTML
codes can also be written in a PHP
file. The thing that differentiates
PHP with client-side language like
HTML is,PHP codes are executed on
the server whereas HTML codes are
directly rendered on the browser.