📜  错误追踪系统

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-28 04:54:54             🧑  作者: Mango



  1. 创建一个新的文本文件,并将用户输入的详细信息写入文本文件。
  2. 更改错误状态的选项。
  3. 特定错误文件的报告。


驱动程序函数:想法是保留一个变量ID ,该变量ID可以存储到现在为止已注册的Bug的ID。用户主要可以从三个选项中选择功能:

  1. 创建新的错误
  2. 错误的变更状态
  3. 报告错误
  4. 出口




  • 如果用户第一次创建错误文件,该错误文件的ID最初为0,并且最初以0递增1,并且用户输入名称作为错误文件,那么我们程序将创建的文件将被命名为bugfile1.txt。
  • 如果用户创建了1个三次,增加了第三次ID的错误文件,如果用户输入名称作为bugfile又那么该文件,我们的程序将创建将被命名为bugfile3.txt



  1. 用户提交的错误。
  2. 错误类型
  3. 错误优先级
  4. 错误说明
  5. 错误状态




Diver Function
// C program for the Driver Function
// of the Bug Tracking System
// Driver Code
void main()
    printf("BUG TRACKING SYSTEM");
    int number, i = 1;
    // Id initialised to 0
    int id = 0;
    // while loop to run
    while (i != 0) {
        printf("\n1. FILE A NEW BUG\n");
        printf("2. CHANGE THE STATUS OF THE BUG\n");
        printf("3. GET BUG REPORT\n4. EXIT");
        printf("\n\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE:");
        scanf("%d", &number);
        // Using switch to go case by case
        switch (number) {
        case 1:
            // Creating a New Bug
        case 2:
            // Change Status of Bug
        case 3:
            // Report the Bug
        case 4:
            i = 0;
            printf("\ninvalid entry");

Create a Bug
// C program for filing a bug
// in Bug Tracking System
// Function to file the Bug into
// the Bug Tracking System
void filebug(int id)
    printf("FILING A BUG");
    // Current Time
    time_t CurrentTime;
    char name[20], bugtype[50];
    char bugdescription[1000];
    char bugpriority[30];
    int bugstatus;
    FILE* ptr;
    // User name
    printf("Enter your name:\n");
    scanf("%s", name);
    char ids[10];
    itoa(id, ids, 10);
    strcat(name, ids);
    char ex[] = ".txt";
    strcat(name, ex);
    // Filename of the Bug
    printf("Filename :%s\n", name);
    ptr = fopen(name, "w");
    // Case when file cannot be created
    if (ptr == NULL)
        printf("cannot create file!!!\n");
    fprintf(ptr, "DATE AND TIME : %s",
    // ID in the Text File
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG ID    :    %d\n", id);
    // Adding New Line in Text File
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    // Bug ID
    printf("BUG ID:%d\n", id);
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG FILED BY: %s\n",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    printf("Enter bug type:\n");
    scanf(" %[^\n]", bugtype);
    // Bug Type
    fprintf(ptr, "TYPE OF BUG: %s",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    // Bug Priority
    printf("Enter bug priority:\n");
    scanf(" %[^\n]s", bugpriority);
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG PRIORITY: %s\n",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    // Bug Description
    printf("Enter the bug description:\n");
    scanf(" %[^\n]s", bugdescription);
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG DESCRIPTION: %s\n",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    printf("Status of bug:\n");
    printf("1. NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    printf("2.IN PROCESS\n 3.FIXED\n");
    int j;
    scanf("%d", &j);
    // Date and time of Bug Creation
    fprintf(ptr, "DATE AND TIME: %s",
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG STATUS:");
    // Switching for the Status of the
    // Bug
    switch (j) {
    case 1:
        fprintf(ptr, "NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    case 2:
        fprintf(ptr, "IN PROCESS\n");
    case 3:
        fprintf(ptr, "FIXED\n");
    case 4:
        fprintf(ptr, "DELIVERED\n");
        printf("invalid choice\n");

Status of Bug
// C program for changing Status
// in Bug Tracking System
// Function to Change the status
// of the Bug
void changestatus()
    printf("Change status");
    // Current Time
    time_t CurrentTime;
    FILE* file;
    char name[50];
    // Bug File name
    printf("Enter file name:\n");
    scanf("%s", name);
    char ex[] = ".txt";
    strcat(name, ex);
    // Opening the Bug in Append Mode
    file = fopen(name, "a");
    printf("\n 1. NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    printf(" 2.IN PROCESS\n 3.FIXED\n");
    printf(" 4.DELIVERED\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE:");
    // Change the Status
    int k;
    scanf("%d", &k);
    fprintf(file, "\n");
    fprintf(file, "DATE AND TIME : %s",
    fprintf(file, "BUG STATUS:");
    // Changing the status on the
    // basis of the user input
    switch (k) {
    case 1:
        fprintf(file, "NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    case 2:
        fprintf(file, "IN PROCESS\n");
    case 3:
        fprintf(file, "FIXED\n");
    case 4:
        fprintf(file, "DELIVERED\n");
        printf("invalid choice\n");

Report Bug
// C program for report a bug
// in Bug Tracking System
// Function to report the Bug
// in the Bug Tracking System
void report()
    FILE* fp;
    char name[50];
    // Asking the Filename to report
    // the bug of the file
    printf("Enter file name:\n");
    scanf("%s", name);
    char ex[] = ".txt";
    strcat(name, ex);
    // Opening the file into the
    // Read mode
    fp = fopen(name, "r");
    char ch;
    ch = getc(fp);
    // Character of the File
    while (ch != EOF) {
        printf("%c", ch);
        ch = getc(fp);

Complete Code
// C program for the
// Bug Tracking System
// Function to file the Bug into
// the Bug Tracking System
void filebug(int id)
    printf("FILING A BUG");
    // Current Time
    time_t CurrentTime;
    char name[20], bugtype[50];
    char bugdescription[1000];
    char bugpriority[30];
    int bugstatus;
    FILE* ptr;
    // User name
    printf("Enter your name:\n");
    scanf("%s", name);
    char ids[10];
    itoa(id, ids, 10);
    strcat(name, ids);
    char ex[] = ".txt";
    strcat(name, ex);
    // Filename of the Bug
    printf("Filename :%s\n", name);
    ptr = fopen(name, "w");
    // Case when file cannot be created
    if (ptr == NULL)
        printf("cannot create file!!!\n");
    fprintf(ptr, "DATE AND TIME : %s",
    // ID in the Text File
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG ID    :    %d\n", id);
    // Adding New Line in Text File
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    // Bug ID
    printf("BUG ID:%d\n", id);
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG FILED BY: %s\n",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    printf("Enter bug type:\n");
    scanf(" %[^\n]", bugtype);
    // Bug Type
    fprintf(ptr, "TYPE OF BUG: %s",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    // Bug Priority
    printf("Enter bug priority:\n");
    scanf(" %[^\n]s", bugpriority);
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG PRIORITY: %s\n",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    // Bug Description
    printf("Enter the bug description:\n");
    scanf(" %[^\n]s", bugdescription);
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG DESCRIPTION: %s\n",
    fprintf(ptr, "\n");
    printf("Status of bug:\n");
    printf("1. NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    printf("2.IN PROCESS\n 3.FIXED\n");
    int j;
    scanf("%d", &j);
    // Date and time of Bug Creation
    fprintf(ptr, "DATE AND TIME: %s",
    fprintf(ptr, "BUG STATUS:");
    // Switching for the Status of the
    // Bug
    switch (j) {
    case 1:
        fprintf(ptr, "NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    case 2:
        fprintf(ptr, "IN PROCESS\n");
    case 3:
        fprintf(ptr, "FIXED\n");
    case 4:
        fprintf(ptr, "DELIVERED\n");
        printf("invalid choice\n");
// Function to Change the status
// of the Bug
void changestatus()
    printf("Change status");
    // Current Time
    time_t CurrentTime;
    FILE* file;
    char name[50];
    // Bug File name
    printf("Enter file name:\n");
    scanf("%s", name);
    char ex[] = ".txt";
    strcat(name, ex);
    // Opening the Bug in Append Mode
    file = fopen(name, "a");
    printf("\n 1. NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    printf(" 2.IN PROCESS\n 3.FIXED\n");
    printf(" 4.DELIVERED\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE:");
    // Change the Status
    int k;
    scanf("%d", &k);
    fprintf(file, "\n");
    fprintf(file, "DATE AND TIME : %s",
    fprintf(file, "BUG STATUS:");
    // Changing the status on the
    // basis of the user input
    switch (k) {
    case 1:
        fprintf(file, "NOT YET ASSIGNED\n");
    case 2:
        fprintf(file, "IN PROCESS\n");
    case 3:
        fprintf(file, "FIXED\n");
    case 4:
        fprintf(file, "DELIVERED\n");
        printf("invalid choice\n");
// Function to report the Bug
// in the Bug Tracking System
void report()
    FILE* fp;
    char name[50];
    // Asking the Filename to report
    // the bug of the file
    printf("Enter file name:\n");
    scanf("%s", name);
    char ex[] = ".txt";
    strcat(name, ex);
    // Opening the file into the
    // Read mode
    fp = fopen(name, "r");
    char ch;
    ch = getc(fp);
    // Character of the File
    while (ch != EOF) {
        printf("%c", ch);
        ch = getc(fp);
// Driver Code
void main()
    printf("BUG TRACKING SYSTEM");
    int number, i = 1;
    // Id initialised to 0
    int id = 0;
    // while loop to run
    while (i != 0) {
        printf("\n1. FILE A NEW BUG\n");
        printf("2. CHANGE THE STATUS OF THE BUG\n");
        printf("3. GET BUG REPORT\n4. EXIT");
        printf("\n\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE:");
        scanf("%d", &number);
        // Using switch to go case by case
        switch (number) {
        case 1:
            // Creating a New Bug
        case 2:
            // Change Status of Bug
        case 3:
            // Report the Bug
        case 4:
            i = 0;
            printf("\ninvalid entry");





