A form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people is termed democracy. One of the chief factors of all democracies is that people choose the government. Democracy helps students to demarcate between democratic and non-democratic governments.
- 基于协作和辩论的决策质量会让您大吃一惊。一个民主的决定需要大量的人、对话和聚会。一群人如果齐心协力,就可以指出任何决定中可能出现的错误。当大多数决定是通过讨论达成时,草率或冒险得出结论的机会就会降低。如果决定不符合他们的期望,人们有权抗议甚至迫使政府重新考虑。
- 让居民畅所欲言,确保所有公民都享有一定的基本权利。如果他们的偏好没有被实现,民主国家的公民可以自由选择和更换他们的代表。所有议员都有权表达自己的想法。它确保公民可以自由地信奉他们选择的任何宗教。
- 在民主国家中,不能保证不会犯错误。没有政府,无论多么强大,都可以确保这一点。错误不能在民主国家中长期隐藏。有一个公开辩论和纠正这些不准确之处的论坛。统治者的决定要么必须改变,要么必须被替换。一个非民主政府不能允许这种情况发生。
- 它提高了公民的尊严,因为它基于政治平等的原则。所有公民的地位都是一样的,无论他们是富有还是贫穷,受过教育还是未受过教育。如果个人不是国王的臣民,他们就是统治者。君主必须按照人民的意愿和要求进行统治或行动。如果人民不喜欢君主,可以举行选举来取代他。
- 宪法:
- 这是国家的最高法律,规定了政府的基本权利和主要义务。就其公民而言,宪法所载的公民权利和政治权利以及国家权力的限制。
- 它通过决定帮助人民和善治的过程在美国和责任中发挥着重要的重要作用。
- 该国的每个公民都平等地提供和要求确保普通民众的需求和福利的愿望。
- 在任何国家,它都有两个主要部分,称为联邦制和单一制。这些是政府代表级别和政府行政部门的类型。
- 它允许在联邦制类型的政府中在地方、州和国家层面平均分配权力。
- 人民主权:
- 权力的责任在于民主社会的成年公民,他们被允许自由参与选择过程,从而能够通过投票或选举自由选择自己的代表。
- 它有一个主要目标,其目的是展示民主的重要性。
- 世界上每一个属于民主特征的政府国家都必须始终从人民那里获得权力。
- 每五到四年发生一次的过程被称为选举,这使他们能够完全选择、更换或重新选举议会成员和政府官员。
- 多数规则:
- 它在民主处理方式上遵循多数人统治的决策方法,并侧重于同一州和同一国家内的个人基本人权。
- 自由政府的所有关键级别都在民主国家的边界内运作,并且公众、民众和人民都可以接触到这一点。在多数情况下,立法机关负责通过法律。
- 对于民主国家的人民来说,它把中央政府分权在不同的地方和地区层面,各级政府都负责和参与其中。
- 决定由行政部门和多数规则作出。多数人为最高法院作出裁决和判决。它还包括少数人的意见和意愿,而多数人则作出决定。
- 它以协商一致的方式做出决定,同时兼顾多数派和反对派。
- 个人权利:
- 保护每个公民的人权是民主国家的首要目标。
- 言论自由 平等 选择宗教的自由 参与和组织社会中的文化、经济和政治活动的自由包括这一点。
- 要参加选举,应该允许适龄的人参加并希望参加。
- 如果年龄限制由民主决定,任何符合特定标准的公民都可以参加选举。
The three ways are-
- It is the basis of the principle of political equality. All the citizens have the same status whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated.
- They are rulers by them if people are not subjects of a ruler.
- According to the wishes and the needs of the people, the ruler has to rule or work. They can change him through election if the people do not like the ruler.
问题 2:通过给出理由解释这一说法 “墨西哥每六年选举一次总统,自独立以来于 1930 年举行选举。这个国家从来没有处于军事或独裁者的统治之下。但它不能被称为民主国家。”
The basic feature of democracy is a Free and Fair election but this is not in Mexico:-
- Every election was won by a party called PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) until 2000 in Mexico.
- To win elections, the PRI uses many dirty tricks, and to attend the party meetings in government people should be employed.
- To vote for the PRI, teachers of government schools forced the parents.
- Instead of criticizing them, the media largely ignores the activities of the opposition political parties.
- It is difficult for people to cast the votes if the polling booths were shifted from one place to another at the last minute.
- For candidates, the PRI spent a large sum of money on the campaign.
The major features of democracy are:-
- People representative by final authority: The final decision-making power must rest with the people who elect in a democracy.
- Free and fair elections: It must be founded on a free and fair election in which those in power now have a reasonable probability of losing their positions.
- One person, one vote, one value: Each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value in a democracy.
- Respect for rights and rule of law: The constitutional law and citizen’s rights set democratic government rules must be in limits.
Every citizen must be able to play an equal role in decision making which means direct democracy implies democracy. In the present day world, it cannot be practiced because-
- A large number of people involves in modern democracies is not possible for them to physically sit together and take a collective decision. The elected representatives do not directly rule the majority.
- To take part in all the decisions, the citizens do not have the time, the desire, or the skills.
问题 5:解释民主的任何两个论点。
The two arguments for democracy are:
- Accountable government- If it represents the needs of the people then democracy is better than any other form of government.It does not depend on the whims of the ruler or the dictator. In easy words, we can say that democracy is for the people as an accountable form of government.
- Deals with differences- It provides a peaceful solution to every problem in a democracy. This provides the best method of dealing with differences and conflicts. India with a diversity of languages, religions, castes, and creeds in democracy suits the needs of many countries. Every problem has the solution of leading discussions that’s why our country keeps united.