- 共和国必须建立在自由和公平的选举之上;目前掌权的人很有可能会失败。
- 在民主国家,每个成年公民都必须有一张选票,每张选票都必须有价值。
- 选举为人们提供了改变现任统治者的公平机会,前提是规则不符合他们。利用这个机会;以宪法和公民权利的基本规则来限制政府统治。
- 抵抗党在替代方案之前和之后都面临独立服务。
- 人民权威建立在政治平等的基本原则之上。
- 共和政府是更好的司法管辖区,因为它是政府的额外负责人。
- 民主提高了决策的效率。
- 民主提供了处理争端和冲突的制度。
- 它适用于印度等国家。印度有多种语言、信仰和社会。印度共和国使庆祝多样性中的和谐成为可能。
- 民主是一种优越的专业管辖权形式,因为它允许我们纠正我们的错误假设。
- 民主提高了公民的尊严,因为它基于政治协调的原则,基于这样一种信念,即最贫穷和受教育程度最低的人与受过教育的富人享有同等地位。
- 当然,只有在没有人饿着睡的时候,这个国家才会有足够的民主。
- 每个公民都应该能够在制定决议中发挥平等的作用。每个公民都应该有相同的事实、入门教育、相同的安全和大量的承诺。
- 超现代的民主国家是基于大量人口的,坐下来合作一个想法或改革在物理上是不可行的。
- 即使有最微小的可能性,公民也没有精力、时间或愿望去选择和参与所有的想法。
Some challenges to proper functioning of Democracy:
- Social and Economic inequality: Discrimination based on religion, caste, and race causes social inequality.
- Communalism: Communalism is another challenge before democracy in India. Communal conflicts have taken place several times in different states.
- Consternation: Terrorism is posing a serious challenge to democracy in recent times. Terrorism has different facets and has political, religious, and international causes.
- Illiteracy: Basic education is the strength of democracy. A major part of the Indian population is made up of illiterate
- Casteism: The caste division in India is very clear. Discrimination and dissent are rampant in many parts of the country due to caste division.
- Rational Imbalance: The economic progress of a nation requires equally balanced development.
问题 1. 赋予民主以意义并检查其特征。
The word ‘democracy‘ is derived from two Greek words ‘demo‘ which denotes people and ‘Crates‘ denotes power. Hence the literal meaning of democracy is ‘power of the people. One of the most infamous depictions of democracy is that of Abraham Lincoln, who says, “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Features of democracy can be listed as follows:
- Democracy is a system of government in which autocrats are elected by the people on the principle of one person, one vote.
- Democracy should be based on self-government and fair choices, where those in power have a clear potential to be in the wrong place. The selectors should have a choice of campaigners.
- In a democracy, the right to take the final decision should be with the people tagged by the people.
Democracy remains intact when it comes to determining how to preserve checks and balances when legislatures do not get the chance, how to defend national elections amidst imprisonment, and how to assure that the administration is for the people.
For some democracies, delicate trade-offs can appear very important. Democratically tagged leaders such as Viktor Orban in Hungary have used the pandemic as a pretense to expand their power. Orban indefinitely suspended Congress and Option and is governed by decree. In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu put the courts – which were set to investigate him on corruption charges – on recess. Bolivia halted its much-awaited options, which were last allowed to oust former president Evo Morales.
问题 3. 民主的论据是什么?
Democracy is a political system in which citizens exercise authority directly, or choose committees from amongst themselves. The people choose their leader. Representatives engage in an election and their members are chosen by selectors.
- Sovereignty is strong as dominant opinion can only be taken by tagged representatives and no external constraint is legal.
- Autonomous and fair choices present a fair choice for citizens to replace autocracy
- The option to replace autocratic rulers is available to all on an equal basis. One Man / One Vote / One Price.
- An autonomous administration is an additional accountable method of administration.
- Self-government improves the rate of deliverance.
- Self-government provides a system to deal with differences and conflicts.
问题 4:您如何从更广泛的民主意义中受益?
Democracy is a configuration of administration in which autocrats are tagged by the people. A common representative of all self-government is that the government is elected by the people.
- In a democratic government, the representation of a region in a country sits together to make decisions.
- Elections are held to elect representatives. Citizens have the right to choose their representatives.
- Democracy is an asset which can be applied in all walks of life.
The meaning of democracy expanded with the changing times-
- It refers to knowing the form of government with just one principle which can be applied to all aspects of life like family, school.
- Democracy is also about the day day-to-day decisions we take in our lives.