📜  8086微处理器中的算术指令

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-28 14:50:20             🧑  作者: Mango



ADD D, S D = D + S ADD AX, [2050]
ADC D, S D = D + S + prev. carry ADC AX, BX
SUB D, S D = D – S SUB AX, [SI]
SBB D, S D = D – S – prev. carry SBB [2050], 0050
MUL 8-bit register AX = AL * 8-bit reg. MUL BH
MUL 16-bit register DX AX = AX * 16-bit reg. MUL CX
IMUL 8 or 16 bit register performs signed multiplication IMUL CX
DIV 8-bit register AX = AX / 8-bit reg. ; AL = quotient ; AH = remainder DIV BL
DIV 16-bit register DX AX / 16-bit reg. ; AX = quotient ; DX = remainder DIV CX
IDIV 8 or 16 bit register performs signed division IDIV BL
INC D D = D + 1 INC AX
DEC D D = D – 1 DEC [2050]
CBW none converts signed byte to word CBW
CWD none converts signed byte to double word CWD
NEG D D = 2’s compliment of D NEG AL
DAA none decimal adjust accumulator DAA
DAS none decimal adjust accumulator after subtraction DAS
AAA none ASCII adjust accumulator after addition AAA
AAS none ASCII adjust accumulator after subtraction AAS
AAM none ASCII adjust accumulator after multiplication AAM
AAD none ASCII adjust accumulator after division AAD
