REP | instruction | repeat the given instruction till CX != 0 | REP MOVSB |
REPE | instruction | repeat the given instruction while CX = 0 | REPE |
REPZ | instruction | repeat the given instruction while ZF = 1 | REPZ |
REPNE | instruction | repeat the given instruction while CX != 0 | REPNE |
REPNZ | instruction | repeat the given instruction while ZF = 0 | REPNZ |
MOVSB | none | moves contents of byte given by DS:SI into ES:DI | MOVSB |
MOVSW | none | moves contents of word given by DS:SI into ES:DI | MOVSW |
MOVD | none | moves contents of double word given by DS:SI into ES:DI | MOVD |
LODSB | none | moves the byte at address DS:SI into AL; SI is incr/decr by 1 | LODSB |
LODSW | none | moves the word at address DS: SI into AX; SI is incr/decr by 2 | LODSW |
LODSD | none | moves the double word at address DS:SI into EAX; SI is incr/decr by 4 | LODSD |
STOSB | none | moves contents of AL to byte address given by ES:DI; DI is incr/dec by 1 | STOSB |
STOSW | none | moves the contents of AX to the word address given by ES:DI; DI is incr/decr by 2 | STOSW |
STOSD | none | moves contents of EAX to the DOUBLE WORD address given by ES:DI; DI is incr/decr by 4 | STOSD |
SCASB | none | compares byte at ES:DI with AL and sets flags according to result | SCASB |
SCASW | none | compares word at ES:DI with AX and sets flags | SCASW |
SCASD | none | compares double word at ES:DI with EAX and sets flags | SCASD |
CMPSB | none | compares byte at ES:DI with byte at DS:SI and sets flags | CMPSB |
CMPSW | none | compares word at ES:DI with word at DS:SI and sets flags | CMPSW |
CMPSD | none | compares double word at ES:DI with double word at DS:SI and sets flags | CMPSD |