📜  计算机信息系统与管理信息系统的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-24 04:40:29             🧑  作者: Mango




Computer Information System Management Information System
It is technology-oriented field emphasis on managing needs of business. It is people-oriented field with an emphasis on service through technology.
It focuses on solving practical problems and improving process with computing technology. It focuses on tasks related to information processing and management.
It helps business and organization to solve problems related to anything from cybersecurity to project management. It helps business and organization to operate more effectively and better serve their customers, staff and bottom line.
Its type includes Data warehousing, machine learning, competitive intelligence, etc. Its type includes Process control system, human resource management system, sales and marketing system, inventory control systems, etc.
It helps in addressing how data is gathered, processed, stored, and used. It generally helps in strategic planning, management control, operational control, transaction processing.
It basically deals with information’s accessibility and application to business objective. It basically deals with implementation and analysis of technological resources in business environments.
Various components of CIS include computer hardware, software, telecommunications, databases, human resources, procedures. Various components of MIS include Business processes, people, data, hardware, software.
It improves customer service, manage employees, increase production efficiency in industry or business. It improves management, optimize operations, and gain competitive advantage in industry or business.
It simply allows business to customize way they use technology, and allow them to adapt to market factors in real time. It simply allows companies or business to make smart, good, timely business decisions that are positive for business.