📜  软件流程定制和改进

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-24 04:45:06             🧑  作者: Mango

软件过程,也称为软件开发过程或软件开发生命周期(SDLC) ,只是将软件过程划分为一组活动或阶段,这些活动或阶段导致了软件的生产或开发。这些活动包括设计,实施,修改,测试,维护等。



Software Process Customization Software Process Improvement
It is a process of designing, developing, deploying and even maintaining a software for a specific set of users. It is simple defined as the definitions of sequence of various tasks, tools, and techniques that are needed to performed to plan and just implement all the improvement activities.
It includes three main factors: People, Product and Process . It includes three factors: People, Technology and Product.
It also includes application customization, application modernization and application management. It also includes improve planning, implementation, evaluation
It is very expensive, requires detailed planning and is time consuming. It reduces the cost, increases development speed by installing tools that reduces the time and word done by humans or to automate the production process.
It increases the level of productivity. It increases product quality.
It is created to fulfill user’s requirements. It is created to achieve the specific goals such as increasing the development speed, achieving the higher product quality and many more.
It is created by in-house development teams or third-party. It mproves team performance by hiring best people