在BGP中,使用了传输控制协议。它是网格拓扑或设计的一种。它由两个独立的网络(自治系统或AS)交换路由信息来工作。这两个路由器同意交换有关如何达到某些IP范围的信息。 BGP使用传输控制协议(TCP)端口179。
RIP代表路由信息协议,其中距离矢量路由协议用于数据/数据包传输。在路由信息协议(RIP)中,最大跳数为15,因为它可以防止从源到目标的路由环路。诸如水平分割,路由中毒和holdown之类的机制用于防止错误或错误的路由信息。 Sally Floyd和Van Jacobson [1994]提出,在不对计时器进行轻微随机化的情况下,计时器会随着时间的推移而同步。与其他路由协议相比,RIP(路由信息协议)较差且规模有限,即小型网络。使用RIP的主要优点是它使用UDP(用户数据报协议)。边界网关协议(BGP)和路由信息协议(RIP)之间的区别:
S.NO. | Border Gateway Protocol | Routing Information Protocol |
1. | BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol. | RIP Stands for Routing Information Protocol. |
2. | It works on Best path algorithm. | RIP works on Bellman Ford algorithm. |
3. | It is basically used for very lager size organizations as compared to RIP. | It is basically used for smaller size organizations. |
4. | It is an external gateway protocol. | It is an industry standard dynamic routing protocol. |
5. | It is a more intelligent routing protocol than RIP. | It is not a very intelligent dynamic routing protocol. |
6. | The networks are classified as areas and tables. | The networks are classified as areas, sub areas, autonomous systems and backbone areas. |
7. | It calculates the metric in terms of Hop Count. | It calculates the metric in terms of Bandwidth. |
8. | It is hybrid type. | It is a Vector State type. |
9. | There is no such restriction on the hop count. | It allows a maximum of 15 hops. |