WordPad是文字处理器的首字母缩写词,它是大多数 Windows 版本附带的最简单的文字处理器之一。它是免费使用的,它也是由 Microsoft 构建的。
Microsoft Word是 Microsoft 为文字处理而开发的计算机软件。它支持各种操作系统,如 Windows、Mac、Android 等。它是一款付费软件,但它的试用版可在一段时间内免费使用。
下表列出了写字板和 Microsoft Word 之间的差异: Microsoft Word WordPad 1. Microsoft Word is word-processing computer software that has been built by Microsoft. WordPad is a simple word processing software/text editor built by Microsoft. 2. It is a paid software with a trial version for users to check the functionality. It is free software that comes with Windows operating system. 3. It supports Windows 7 and higher. It supports Windows 95 and higher. 4. It comes with MS Office. It is not part of MS Office. 5. It has features like spell check and grammar check. It lacks features of spell check and grammar check. 6. It can save files in .docx format. It does not have a .docx file saving option. 7. It has a number of formatting options for text. There are not many formatting features available. 8. Default file format is .doc The default file format is Rich Text Format (.rtf)