01. | A leader is a person who leads a particular team and influences it’s team members to perform well and achieve the goal. | A manager is a person who manages the organization or a project by planning, giving direction, maintaining coordination and control. |
02. | Leaders process are transformational as they develop vision and find a way forward to achieve the goal. | Managers process are transactional as they delegate tasks, meet objectives. |
03. | So a leader always looks after a team. | So a manager oversees a team. |
04. | A leader exhibits strategic view, team management, open mind and promotes innovation. | A manager exhibits organizational skills, management skills, problem solving skills and conformity. |
05. | Leaders create circles of influence and lead by inspiring. | Managers create circles of power and lead by authority. |
06. | They mainly shape the culture and drive integrity. | They mainly enact the existing culture and maintain status quo. |
07. | Leader mainly sets direction to achieve a goal. | Managers mainly sets instructions to do a project. |
08. | A leader mainly facilitates the decisions. | A manager mostly makes decisions. |
09. | A leader promotes change and uses conflicts as an asset. | A manager reacts to change and avoids conflict. |
10. | A leader always says “We” where the subordinates are followers or team members. | A manager always says “I” where the subordinates are the employees. |
11. | A leader knows how it is done. | A manager shows how it is done. |
12. | They mainly focuses around relationship with objectives. | They mainly focuses around objectives. |