给定两个字符串S和T ,长度N和S都是字符串T 的变位,任务是通过执行以下操作最少次数将字符串S转换为T :
- 从任一端删除一个字符。
- 在任意位置插入一个字符。
Input: S = “qpmon”, T = “mnopq”
Output: 3
Operation 1: Remove ‘n’ from the end, and insert it at the second last position. The string S modifies to “qpmno”.
Operation 2: Remove ‘q’ from the start, and insert it at the last position. The string S modifies to “pmnoq”.
Operation 3: Remove ‘p’ from the start, and insert it at the second last position. The string S modifies to “mnopq” which is same as the desired string T.
Input: S = “abab”, T = “baba”
Output: 1
- 需要找到A的最长子串的长度,它是B 中的子序列。令该子字符串的长度为L 。
- 然后,可以在不干扰现有顺序的情况下插入剩余的字符。
- 总而言之,最佳答案将等于N – L 。
// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to find the longest substring
// in string A which is a subsequence in B
int findLongestSubstring(
int posA, int posB, string& A,
string& B, bool canSkip, int n,
vector > >& dp)
// If the indices are out of bounds
if (posA >= n || posB >= n) {
return 0;
// If an already computed subproblem occurred
if (dp[posA][posB][canSkip] != -1) {
return dp[posA][posB][canSkip];
// Required answer if the all the
// characters of A and B are the same
int op1 = 0;
// Required answer if there is no
// substring A which is a
// subsequence in B
int op2 = 0;
// Required answer if the current
// character in B is skipped
int op3 = 0;
if (A[posA] == B[posB]) {
op1 = 1 + findLongestSubstring(
posA + 1, posB + 1, A,
B, 0, n, dp);
if (canSkip) {
op2 = findLongestSubstring(
posA + 1, posB, A, B,
canSkip, n, dp);
op3 = findLongestSubstring(
posA, posB + 1, A, B,
canSkip, n, dp);
// The answer for the subproblem is
// the maximum among the three
return dp[posA][posB][canSkip]
= max(op1, max(op2, op3));
// Function to return the minimum strings
// operations required to make two strings equal
void minOperations(string A, string B, int N)
// Initialize the dp vector
vector > > dp(
N, vector >(
N, vector(2, -1)));
cout << N - findLongestSubstring(
0, 0, A, B, 1, N, dp);
// Driver Code
int main()
string A = "abab";
string B = "baba";
int N = A.size();
minOperations(A, B, N);
return 0;
// Java program for the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
// Function to find the longest substring
// in string A which is a subsequence in B
static int
findLongestSubstring(int posA, int posB, String A,
String B, int canSkip, int n,
int dp[][][])
// If the indices are out of bounds
if (posA >= n || posB >= n)
return 0;
// If an already computed subproblem occurred
if (dp[posA][posB][canSkip] != -1)
return dp[posA][posB][canSkip];
// Required answer if the all the
// characters of A and B are the same
int op1 = 0;
// Required answer if there is no
// substring A which is a
// subsequence in B
int op2 = 0;
// Required answer if the current
// character in B is skipped
int op3 = 0;
if (A.charAt(posA) == B.charAt(posB))
op1 = 1
+ findLongestSubstring(posA + 1, posB + 1,
A, B, 0, n, dp);
if (canSkip == 1) {
op2 = findLongestSubstring(posA + 1, posB, A, B,
canSkip, n, dp);
op3 = findLongestSubstring(posA, posB + 1, A, B,
canSkip, n, dp);
// The answer for the subproblem is
// the maximum among the three
return dp[posA][posB][canSkip]
= Math.max(op1, Math.max(op2, op3));
// Function to return the minimum strings
// operations required to make two strings equal
static void minOperations(String A, String B, int N)
// Initialize the dp vector
int[][][] dp = new int[N][N][2];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
dp[i][j][k] = -1;
N - findLongestSubstring(0, 0, A, B, 1, N, dp));
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
String A = "abab";
String B = "baba";
int N = A.length();
minOperations(A, B, N);
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V
# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to find the longest substring
# in A which is a subsequence in B
def findLongestSubstring(posA, posB, A, B, canSkip, n):
global dp
if (posA >= n or posB >= n):
return 0
# If an already computed subproblem occurred
if (dp[posA][posB][canSkip] != -1):
return dp[posA][posB][canSkip]
# Required answer if the all the
# characters of A and B are the same
op1 = 0
# Required answer if there is no
# subA which is a
# subsequence in B
op2 = 0
# Required answer if the current
# character in B is skipped
op3 = 0
if (A[posA] == B[posB]):
op1 = 1 + findLongestSubstring(posA + 1, posB + 1, A, B, 0, n)
if (canSkip):
op2 = findLongestSubstring(posA + 1, posB, A, B, canSkip, n)
op3 = findLongestSubstring(posA, posB + 1, A, B, canSkip, n)
# The answer for the subproblem is
# the maximum among the three
dp[posA][posB][canSkip] = max(op1, max(op2, op3))
return dp[posA][posB][canSkip]
# Function to return the minimum strings
# operations required to make two strings equal
def minOperations(A, B, N):
print(N - findLongestSubstring(0, 0, A, B, 1, N))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = "abab"
B = "baba"
dp = [[[-1, -1] for i in range(len(A))] for i in range(len(A))]
N = len(A)
minOperations(A, B, N)
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.
// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG
// Function to find the longest substring
// in string A which is a subsequence in B
static int
findLongestSubstring(int posA, int posB, String A,
String B, int canSkip, int n,
int[, , ] dp)
// If the indices are out of bounds
if (posA >= n || posB >= n) {
return 0;
// If an already computed subproblem occurred
if (dp[posA, posB, canSkip] != -1) {
return dp[posA, posB, canSkip];
// Required answer if the all the
// characters of A and B are the same
int op1 = 0;
// Required answer if there is no
// substring A which is a
// subsequence in B
int op2 = 0;
// Required answer if the current
// character in B is skipped
int op3 = 0;
if (A[posA] == B[posB]) {
op1 = 1
+ findLongestSubstring(posA + 1, posB + 1,
A, B, 0, n, dp);
if (canSkip == 1) {
op2 = findLongestSubstring(posA + 1, posB, A, B,
canSkip, n, dp);
op3 = findLongestSubstring(posA, posB + 1, A, B,
canSkip, n, dp);
// The answer for the subproblem is
// the maximum among the three
return dp[posA, posB, canSkip]
= Math.Max(op1, Math.Max(op2, op3));
// Function to return the minimum strings
// operations required to make two strings equal
static void minOperations(String A, String B, int N)
// Initialize the dp vector
int[, , ] dp = new int[N, N, 2];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
dp[i, j, k] = -1;
N - findLongestSubstring(0, 0, A, B, 1, N, dp));
// Driver Code
static public void Main ()
String A = "abab";
String B = "baba";
int N = A.Length;
minOperations(A, B, N);
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V
时间复杂度: O(N 2 )
空间复杂度: O(N 2 )
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