给定一个大小为N的数组arr[] ,任务是通过对每个数组元素应用随机二分搜索来找到找到的数组元素的最小计数。
Input: arr[] = { 5, 4, 9 }
Output: 2
Applying Randomized Binary Search for arr[0] in the array.
Initially, search space is [0, 2]
Suppose pivot = 1 and arr[pivot] < arr[0]. Therefore, the new search space is [2, 2] and arr[0] not found in the search space.
For arr[1], search space is [0, 2].
Suppose pivot = 0 and arr[pivot] > arr[0]. Therefore, the new search space is [0, 0] and arr[1] not found in the search space.
For arr[2], search space is [0, 2].
Selecting any element as pivot, arr[2] can be found.
Input: arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
Output: 4
- 初始化一个数组,比如minimumRight[]来存储每个数组元素右侧的最小元素。
- 反向遍历数组并更新minimumRight[i] = min(smallestRight[ i + 1], arr[i]) 。
- 遍历数组,将最大元素存储在每个数组元素的左侧,并检查左侧最大元素是否小于右侧最小元素。如果发现为真,则增加计数。
- 最后,打印获得的计数。
// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to find minimum count of
// array elements found by repeatedly
// applying Randomized Binary Search
int getDefiniteFinds(vector& arr)
// Stores count of array elements
int n = arr.size();
// smallestRight[i]: Stores the smallest
// array element on the right side of i
vector smallestRight(n + 1);
// Update smallestRight[0]
smallestRight[n] = INT_MAX;
// Traverse the array from right to left
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Update smallestRight[i]
= min(smallestRight[i + 1], arr[i]);
// Stores the largest element
// upto i-th index
int mn = INT_MIN;
// Stores the minimum count of
// elements found by repeatedly
// applying Randomized Binary Search
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// If largest element on left side is
// less than smallest element on right side
if (mn < arr[i] and arr[i] < smallestRight[i + 1]) {
// Update ans
// Update mn
mn = max(arr[i], mn);
return ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
// Given array
vector arr = { 5, 4, 9 };
// Function Call
cout << getDefiniteFinds(arr) << endl;
// Java program for the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Function to find minimum count of
// array elements found by repeatedly
// applying Randomized Binary Search
static int getDefiniteFinds(int[] arr)
// Stores count of array elements
int n = arr.length;
// smallestRight[i]: Stores the smallest
// array element on the right side of i
int[] smallestRight = new int[n + 1];
// Update smallestRight[0]
smallestRight[n] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Traverse the array from right to left
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Update smallestRight[i]
= Math.min(smallestRight[i + 1], arr[i]);
// Stores the largest element
// upto i-th index
int mn = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// Stores the minimum count of
// elements found by repeatedly
// applying Randomized Binary Search
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// If largest element on left side is
// less than smallest element on right side
if (mn < arr[i]
&& arr[i] < smallestRight[i + 1])
// Update ans
// Update mn
mn = Math.max(arr[i], mn);
return ans;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
// Given array
int[] arr = new int[] { 5, 4, 9 };
// Function Call
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V
# Python3 program for the above approach
import sys
# Function to find minimum count of
# array elements found by repeatedly
# applying Randomized Binary Search
def getDefiniteFinds(arr):
# Stores count of array elements
n = len(arr)
# smallestRight[i]: Stores the smallest
# array element on the right side of i
smallestRight = [0] * (n + 1)
# Update smallestRight[0]
smallestRight[n] = sys.maxsize
# Traverse the array from right to left
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
# Update smallestRight[i]
smallestRight[i] = min(
smallestRight[i + 1], arr[i])
# Stores the largest element
# upto i-th index
mn = -sys.maxsize - 1
# Stores the minimum count of
# elements found by repeatedly
# applying Randomized Binary Search
ans = 0
for i in range(n):
# If largest element on left side is
# less than smallest element on right side
if (mn < arr[i] and
arr[i] < smallestRight[i + 1]):
# Update ans
ans += 1
# Update mn
mn = max(arr[i], mn)
return ans
# Driver Code
# Given array
arr = [ 5, 4, 9 ]
# Function Call
# This code is contributed by susmitakundugoaldanga
// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG
// Function to find minimum count of
// array elements found by repeatedly
// applying Randomized Binary Search
static int getDefiniteFinds(int[] arr)
// Stores count of array elements
int n = arr.Length;
// smallestRight[i]: Stores the smallest
// array element on the right side of i
int[] smallestRight = new int[n + 1];
// Update smallestRight[0]
smallestRight[n] = Int32.MaxValue;
// Traverse the array from right to left
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Update smallestRight[i]
= Math.Min(smallestRight[i + 1], arr[i]);
// Stores the largest element
// upto i-th index
int mn = Int32.MinValue;
// Stores the minimum count of
// elements found by repeatedly
// applying Randomized Binary Search
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// If largest element on left side is
// less than smallest element on right side
if (mn < arr[i]
&& arr[i] < smallestRight[i + 1])
// Update ans
// Update mn
mn = Math.Max(arr[i], mn);
return ans;
// Driver Code
static public void Main()
// Given array
int[] arr = new int[] { 5, 4, 9 };
// Function Call
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V
时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)
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