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📜  在二分搜索树中找到最接近的元素

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-24 22:23:16             🧑  作者: Mango



// For above binary search tree
Input  :  k = 4
Output :  4

Input  :  k = 18
Output :  17

Input  :  k = 12
Output :  9



  • 如果目标值K存在于给定的BST中,则它是具有最小绝对差的节点。
  • 如果目标值K小于当前节点的值,则移至左子级。
  • 如果目标值K大于当前节点的值,则移至右子级。
    // Recursive C++ program to find key closest to k
    // in given Binary Search Tree.
    using namespace std;
    /* A binary tree node has key, pointer to left child
    and a pointer to right child */
    struct Node
        int key;
        struct Node* left, *right;
    /* Utility that allocates a new node with the
      given key and NULL left and right pointers. */
    struct Node* newnode(int key)
        struct Node* node = new (struct Node);
        node->key = key;
        node->left = node->right  = NULL;
        return (node);
    // Function to find node with minimum absolute
    // difference with given K
    // min_diff   --> minimum difference till now
    // min_diff_key  --> node having minimum absolute
    //                   difference with K
    void maxDiffUtil(struct Node *ptr, int k, int &min_diff,
                                          int &min_diff_key)
        if (ptr == NULL)
            return ;
        // If k itself is present
        if (ptr->key == k)
            min_diff_key = k;
        // update min_diff and min_diff_key by checking
        // current node value
        if (min_diff > abs(ptr->key - k))
            min_diff = abs(ptr->key - k);
            min_diff_key = ptr->key;
        // if k is less than ptr->key then move in
        // left subtree else in right subtree
        if (k < ptr->key)
            maxDiffUtil(ptr->left, k, min_diff, min_diff_key);
            maxDiffUtil(ptr->right, k, min_diff, min_diff_key);
    // Wrapper over maxDiffUtil()
    int maxDiff(Node *root, int k)
        // Initialize minimum difference
        int min_diff = INT_MAX, min_diff_key = -1;
        // Find value of min_diff_key (Closest key
        // in tree with k)
        maxDiffUtil(root, k, min_diff, min_diff_key);
        return min_diff_key;
    // Driver program to run the case
    int main()
        struct Node *root = newnode(9);
        root->left    = newnode(4);
        root->right   = newnode(17);
        root->left->left = newnode(3);
        root->left->right = newnode(6);
        root->left->right->left = newnode(5);
        root->left->right->right = newnode(7);
        root->right->right = newnode(22);
        root->right->right->left = newnode(20);
        int k = 18;
        cout << maxDiff(root, k);
        return 0;

    // Recursive Java program to find key closest to k
    // in given Binary Search Tree.
     class solution
         static int min_diff, min_diff_key;
    /*  A binary tree node has key, pointer to left child
    and a pointer to right child */
    static class Node
        int key;
         Node  left,  right;
    /*  Utility that allocates a new node with the
      given key and null left and right pointers.  */
     static Node  newnode(int key)
         Node  node = new Node();
        node.key = key;
        node.left = node.right  = null;
        return (node);
    // Function to find node with minimum absolute
    // difference with given K
    // min_diff   -. minimum difference till now
    // min_diff_key  -. node having minimum absolute
    //                   difference with K
    static void maxDiffUtil(Node  ptr, int k)
        if (ptr == null)
            return ;
        // If k itself is present
        if (ptr.key == k)
            min_diff_key = k;
        // update min_diff and min_diff_key by checking
        // current node value
        if (min_diff > Math.abs(ptr.key - k))
            min_diff = Math.abs(ptr.key - k);
            min_diff_key = ptr.key;
        // if k is less than ptr.key then move in
        // left subtree else in right subtree
        if (k < ptr.key)
            maxDiffUtil(ptr.left, k);
            maxDiffUtil(ptr.right, k);
    // Wrapper over maxDiffUtil()
    static int maxDiff(Node  root, int k)
        // Initialize minimum difference
        min_diff = 999999999; min_diff_key = -1;
        // Find value of min_diff_key (Closest key
        // in tree with k)
        maxDiffUtil(root, k);
        return min_diff_key;
    // Driver program to run the case
    public static void main(String args[])
         Node  root = newnode(9);
        root.left    = newnode(4);
        root.right   = newnode(17);
        root.left.left = newnode(3);
        root.left.right = newnode(6);
        root.left.right.left = newnode(5);
        root.left.right.right = newnode(7);
        root.right.right = newnode(22);
        root.right.right.left = newnode(20);
        int k = 18;
        System.out.println( maxDiff(root, k));
    //contributed by Arnab Kundu

    # Recursive Python program to find key 
    # closest to k in given Binary Search Tree. 
    # Utility that allocates a new node with the 
    # given key and NULL left and right pointers. 
    class newnode: 
        # Constructor to create a new node 
        def __init__(self, data): 
            self.key = data 
            self.left = None
            self.right = None
    # Function to find node with minimum 
    # absolute difference with given K 
    # min_diff --> minimum difference till now 
    # min_diff_key --> node having minimum absolute 
    #                   difference with K 
    def maxDiffUtil(ptr, k, min_diff, min_diff_key):
        if ptr == None: 
        # If k itself is present 
        if ptr.key == k:
            min_diff_key[0] = k 
        # update min_diff and min_diff_key by  
        # checking current node value 
        if min_diff > abs(ptr.key - k):
            min_diff = abs(ptr.key - k) 
            min_diff_key[0] = ptr.key
        # if k is less than ptr->key then move 
        # in left subtree else in right subtree 
        if k < ptr.key:
            maxDiffUtil(ptr.left, k, min_diff, 
            maxDiffUtil(ptr.right, k, min_diff, 
    # Wrapper over maxDiffUtil() 
    def maxDiff(root, k):
        # Initialize minimum difference 
        min_diff, min_diff_key = 999999999999, [-1]
        # Find value of min_diff_key (Closest 
        # key in tree with k) 
        maxDiffUtil(root, k, min_diff, min_diff_key)
        return min_diff_key[0]
    # Driver Code
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        root = newnode(9) 
        root.left = newnode(4) 
        root.right = newnode(17)
        root.left.left = newnode(3) 
        root.left.right = newnode(6)
        root.left.right.left = newnode(5) 
        root.left.right.right = newnode(7) 
        root.right.right = newnode(22)
        root.right.right.left = newnode(20) 
        k = 18
        print(maxDiff(root, k))
    # This code is contributed by PranchalK

    using System;
    // Recursive C# program to find key closest to k 
    // in given Binary Search Tree. 
     public class solution
         public static int min_diff, min_diff_key;
    /*  A binary tree node has key, pointer to left child 
    and a pointer to right child */
    public class Node
        public int key;
         public Node left, right;
    /*  Utility that allocates a new node with the 
      given key and null left and right pointers.  */
    public static Node newnode(int key)
         Node node = new Node();
        node.key = key;
        node.left = node.right = null;
        return (node);
    // Function to find node with minimum absolute 
    // difference with given K 
    // min_diff   -. minimum difference till now 
    // min_diff_key  -. node having minimum absolute 
    //                   difference with K 
    public static void maxDiffUtil(Node ptr, int k)
        if (ptr == null)
        // If k itself is present 
        if (ptr.key == k)
            min_diff_key = k;
        // update min_diff and min_diff_key by checking 
        // current node value 
        if (min_diff > Math.Abs(ptr.key - k))
            min_diff = Math.Abs(ptr.key - k);
            min_diff_key = ptr.key;
        // if k is less than ptr.key then move in 
        // left subtree else in right subtree 
        if (k < ptr.key)
            maxDiffUtil(ptr.left, k);
            maxDiffUtil(ptr.right, k);
    // Wrapper over maxDiffUtil() 
    public static int maxDiff(Node root, int k)
        // Initialize minimum difference 
        min_diff = 999999999;
        min_diff_key = -1;
        // Find value of min_diff_key (Closest key 
        // in tree with k) 
        maxDiffUtil(root, k);
        return min_diff_key;
    // Driver program to run the case 
    public static void Main(string[] args)
         Node root = newnode(9);
        root.left = newnode(4);
        root.right = newnode(17);
        root.left.left = newnode(3);
        root.left.right = newnode(6);
        root.left.right.left = newnode(5);
        root.left.right.right = newnode(7);
        root.right.right = newnode(22);
        root.right.right.left = newnode(20);
        int k = 18;
        Console.WriteLine(maxDiff(root, k));
      // This code is contributed by Shrikant13



    时间复杂度: O(h)其中h是给定二叉搜索树的高度。