它是一个时间序列数据库,以高可用性和存储着称。它由 InfluxData 于 2013 年开发,是一款开源许可软件,广泛用于时间序列数据的检索。它用于实时分析和数据监控。它通过分片进行分区。 InfluxDB 是用 Go 语言实现的。 InfluxDB 易于使用且具有很高的可扩展性。
它是一个基于云的数据仓库。 Amazon Redshift 拥有商业许可证,并且是 Amazon Web 服务的一部分。它处理大量数据并以其可扩展性而闻名。它并行处理多个数据。它使用 ACID 特性作为其工作原理并且非常流行。用C语言实现,可用性高。
InfluxDB 和 Amazon Redshift 的区别:
S.NO. | InfluxDB | Amazon Redshift |
1. | InfluxDB is a Time series database model. | Amazon Redshift is a relational database model. |
2. | InfluxDB was developed by InfluxData in 2013. | Amazon Redshift was developed by Amazon in 2012. |
3. | It is not a cloud based Database. | It is a cloud based Database. |
4. | It has a open source license. | It is a commercial software. |
5. | It is implemented in Go language. | It is implemented in C language. |
6. | It is used for retrieval of time series data. | It is used to provide data warehouse services. |
7. | It supports operating systems like Linux and OS X. | It supports hosted operating systems. |
8. | In terms of ranking it is considered lower than Amazon redshift. | It is considered better than InfluxDB in terms of ranking. |
9. | It doesn’t have user defined functions. | It has user defined functions. |
10. | It doesn’t have ACID as its working principle. | It has ACID as its working principle. |