1.最短作业优先(SJF) :
最短作业优先(SJF)是一种调度策略,它选择执行时间最短的等待进程下一个执行。它也称为下一个最短作业 (SJN) 或下一个最短进程 (SPN)。它是一种非抢占式调度算法。
2.最短剩余作业优先(SRTF) :
Shortest Remaining Job First (SRJF) 是 SJF 调度的抢占式版本。在这种调度算法中,选择执行完成前剩余时间最少的进程。具有相同到达时间的进程会将 SRTF 转换为 SJF。
- SJF 和 SRJF 实际上都不可行,因为无法预测过程的突发时间。
- SJF 和 SRJF 都可能导致进程饥饿,因为如果连续添加短进程,长进程可能会被无限期推迟。
- 一旦所有进程都在就绪队列中可用,则 SJF 和 SRJF 都被认为是相同的。这是因为进程加入就绪队列后,没有进行抢占。
Shortest Job First: | Shortest Remaining Job First: |
It is a non-preemptive algorithm. | It is a preemptive algorithm. |
It involves less overheads than SRJF. | It involves more overheads than SJF. |
It is slower in execution than SRJF. | It is faster in execution than SJF. |
It leads to comparatively lower throughput. | It leads to increased throughput as execution time is less. |
It minimizes the average waiting time for each process. | It may or may not minimize the average waiting time for each process. |
It may suffer from priority inversion. | It may suffer from convoy effect. |
It involves lesser number of context switching. | It involves higher number of context switching. |
Short processes are executed first and then followed by longer processes. | Shorter processes run fast and longer processes show poor response time. |