📜  硬件安全与软件安全的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 03:48:31             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 硬件安全:

2. 软件安全:


Hardware Security

Software Security 

It is a process of protecting hardware against vulnerabilities that ae targeting these devices. It is a process of protecting software against malicious attack and other hacker’s risks.
It is simply required so that machine and peripheral hardware’s remain safe from theft or any electronic damage.  It is simply required so that software continues to function correctly under potential risks.  
Hardwares are tough to handle than software.   Software is easier is handle hardware because software can be updated frequently to deal with security vulnerabilities.  
Hardware cannot modify features just like software. Instead, one has to evaluated old hardware, identify problem, formulate updates, coordinate with ecosystem partners and then push manufacturing for new build to fix problem.   Software can easily modify features as one has to simply change code and push an update to fix problem. 
Hardware risks usually comes from specific or outdated piece of hardware.   Software risks usually comes from specific or outdated piece of software.  
Hardware risks are more prone to physical damage or crashes.   Software risks are more prone to viruses and system errors. 
It is more difficult and slower to patch hardware vulnerabilities as compared to software vulnerabilities.   It is less difficult and faster to patch software vulnerabilities as compared to hardware. 
Hardware vulnerability does not have immediate impact on security but live for decades as compared to software. Software vulnerability have more immediate impact on security but shorter lived as compared to hardware.  
It is considered very effective in all application environments and especially those where end equipment is exposed and physically accessible to thefts.   It is considered effective in physically secure environments, preventing unauthorized access to system.  
Its main objective is to prevent loss, damage, and other compromise of information system assets simply to make sure that there are not interruptions of business activities and services.   Its main objective is to develop higher-quality, defect-free and more robust software that normally continues to function properly and correctly even under malicious attack.