1. 虚拟专用服务器(VPS):
VPS,顾名思义,是一种虚拟主机,在共享服务器中模拟专用服务器环境。它使用从操作系统级别工作的虚拟化层和一些流行的 VPS 选项,如 OpenVZ 使用基于 Linux 内核的技术。它提供了一些可扩展性,即可以从有限数量的资源开始,然后可以根据需要进行扩展。
2. 虚拟专用服务器(VDS):
顾名思义,VDS 是一种虚拟机,让用户能够租用托管但专用的服务器来构建、部署和托管 Web 应用程序。它不与其他客户共享,因此不提供任何多租户环境。每个 VDS 都有自己的磁盘位置、CPU 分配、内存、带宽和操作系统。它通常取决于管理程序来创建逻辑分区级别。它还提供一组专用资源,一个人可以访问这些资源,而不需要与其他租户共享。
It is a VM on top of physical server that hosts VPS instances and shares host machine resources. | It provides remote dedicated server. |
VPS is a server that is configured to host multiple server instances. | VDS instance takes up entire server. |
It is more cost-effective as compared to VDS. | It is less cost-effective as compared to VPS. |
It usually offers some scalability and predominant convenience as compared to VDS. | It does not offer scalability and predominant convenience. |
It uses OpenVZ technology where OpenVZ is basically virtualization on OS level and its main advantage is speed of work. | It uses KVM technology that allows installing OS for visitors and VNC, that allows running virtual server like part of desktop computer. |
In hosting terminology, virtual machines created with OS level virtualization is known as VPS. | In hosting terminology, virtual machines created with paravirtualization is known as VDS. |
It offers less functionality as compared to VDS. | It offers better level of functionality as compared to VPS. |
Its operation is managed and controlled by OS. | Its operation is managed and controlled by server hardware. |
It has multi-tenant environment i.e., client has sole access to virtual private server environment, but they share hardware with two or more clients. | It has single-tenant environment i.e., only one client has access to hardware. |
It is good for low load tasks such as to connect remote desktops and collective work with office applications, deployment of small e-commerce, corporate sites, etc. | It is not good for streaming video and audio apps, game servers, and high load apps with increased traffic, large e-commerce projects, etc. |